
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2013 Alloy Design Strategies and Future Trends in High-Entropy Alloys, JOM Volume: 65 Issue: 12 Pages: 1759-1771 Yeh, JW[!]
期刊論文 2013 Li4Ti5O12-coated graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 112 Pages: 529-534 Lee, ML[*!]; Li, YH[*]; Liao, SC[*]; Chen, JM[*]; Yeh, JW; Shih, HC
期刊論文 2013 Atomic layer deposition of TiO2 on negative electrode for lithium ion batteries, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES Volume: 244 Pages: 410-416 Special Issue: SI Lee, ML[*]; Su, CY[*]; Lin, YH[*]; Liao, SC; Chen[*], JM; Perng, TP; Yeh, JW[!]; Shih, HC[!]
期刊論文 2013 High-Efficiency Wet- and Dry-Processed Green Organic Light Emitting Diodes with a Novel Iridium Complex-Based Emitter, Advanced Optical Materials Volume: 1 Pages: 657-667 J. H. Jou!, Y. M. Yang*, S. Z. Chen, J. R. Tseng*, S. H. Peng*, C. Y. Hsieh*, Y. X. Lin*, C. L. Chin
期刊論文 2013 Spirally Configured Cis-Stilbene/Fluorene Hybrids as Ambipolar, Fluorescent Materials for Organic Light Emitting Diode Applications, RSC Advances Volume: 3 Pages: 9381-9390 C. T. Chen!, W. S. Chao*, H. W. Liu*, Y. Wei*, J. H. Jou!, and S. Kumar*
期刊論文 2013 Highly Efficient Green Organic Light Emitting Diode with a Novel Solution Processable Iridium Complex Emitter, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Volume: 1 Pages: 4201-4208 J. H. Jou!, C. J. Li*, S. M. Shen*, S. H. Peng*, Y. L. Chen*, Y. C. Jou*, J. H. Hong*, C. L. Chin*,
期刊論文 2013 Pyrenoimidazole-based Deep Blue Emitting Materials: Optical, Electrochemical and Electroluminescent Characteristics, Chemistry - an Asian Journal Volume: 8 Pages: 2111-2124 D. Kumar*, K. R. Justin Thomas!, C. C. Lin*, and J. H. Jou!
期刊論文 2013 Synthesis, Optical Properties and Blue Electroluminescence of Fluorene Derivatives Containing Multiple Imidazoles Bearing Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Tetrahedron Volume: 69 Pages: 2594-2602 D. Kumar*, K. R. Justin Thomas!, Y. L. Chen*, Y. C. Jou* and J. H. Jou!
期刊論文 2013 High Efficiency Yellow Organic Light-emitting Diodes with a Solution-processed Molecular Host-based Emissive Layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Volume: 1 Pages: 1680-1686 J. H. Jou!, S. H. Peng*, C. I. Chiang*, Y. L. Chen*, Y. X. Lin*, Y. C. Jou*, C. H. Chen*, C. J. Li*,
期刊論文 2013 High Efficiency Yellow Organic Light-emitting Diodes with a Solution-processed Molecular Host-based Emissive Layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Volume: 1 Pages: 1680-1686 J. H. Jou!, S. H. Peng*, C. I. Chiang*, Y. L. Chen*, Y. X. Lin*, Y. C. Jou*, C. H. Chen*, C. J. Li*,
期刊論文 2013 Highly transparent hard bio-coating synthesized by low temperature sol-gel process, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY Hsueh-Shih Chen, Sheng-Hsin Huang, Tsong-Pyng Perng
期刊論文 2013 Interface and thickness tuning for blade coated small-molecule organic light-emitting diodes with high power efficiency, J. Appl. Phys., 114, p.123101. Y.-F. Chang*, Y.-C. Chiu*, H.-W. Chang*, Y.-S. Wang*, Y.-L. Shih*, C.-H. Wu*, Y.-L. Liu*, Y.-S. Lin*
期刊論文 2013 A bipolar Host Containing Carbazole/Dibenzothiophene for Efficient Solution-Processed Blue and White Phosphorescent OLEDs, J. Mater. Chem. C, 1, p.6835. W.-C. Lin*, W.-C. Huang*, M.-H. Huang*, C.-C. Fan*, H.-W. Lin!, L.-Y. Chen, Y.-W. Liu*, J.-S. Lin, T
期刊論文 2013 Design of Os(II)-based Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Influence of Heterocyclic Ancillaries, ChemSusChem, 6, p.1366. F.-C. Hu*, S.-W. Wang*, M. Planells*, N. Robertson!, H. Padhy*, B.-S. Du*, Y. Chi!, P.-F. Yang*, Hao
期刊論文 2013 Charge Carrier Dynamics of Vapor-Deposited Small-Molecule/Fullerene Organic Solar Cells, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, p.8790. A.-Y. Chang*, Y.-H. Chen*, H.-W. Lin, L.-Y. Lin*, K.-T. Wong, R. D. Schaller!
期刊論文 2013 Solution-Processed Hexaazatriphenylene Hexacarbonitrile as a Universal Hole-Injection Layer for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Organic Electronics, 14, p.1204. H.-W. Lin!, W.-C. Lin*, J.-H. Chang*, C.-I. Wu
期刊論文 2013 Photophysical studies on D-pi-A dye-sensitized solar cells: Effects of pi-bridge and hexyloxy side chains in donor moieties, Organic Electronics, 14, p.1037. H.-W. Lin!, Y.-S. Wang*, P.-F. Yang*, K.-T. Wong, L.-Y. Lin*, F. Lin*
期刊論文 2013 Pyridine-based Electron Transporting Materials for Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1, p.1770. H.-W. Lin!, C.-W. Lu*, L.-Y. Lin*, Y.-H. Chen*, W.-C. Lin*, K.-T. Wong, F. Lin*
期刊論文 2013 Thermo-induced shape memory PEG-PCL copolymer as dual drug-eluting biodegradable stent, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013: 5 (21), 10985–10994 Chien-Shen Yang, Hsi-Chin Wu, Jui-Sheng Sun, Hao-Ming Hsiao, Tzu-Wei Wang*.
期刊論文 2013 Electron Field Emission Enhancement of Vertically Aligned Ultrananocrystalline Diamond coated ZnO Core-Shell Heterostructured Nanorods, Small, 10, No. 1, 179–185 (2014) K.J. Sankaran, M. Afsal, S. C. Lou, H. C. Chen, C. L. Chen, C. Y. Lee, L. J. Chen, N.H. Tai*, and I.