
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2013 Effect of Ni fillers on microwave absorption and effective permeability of NiCuZn ferrite/Ni/polymer functional composites, J. Alloy Comp., 550 (2013) 39–45 S. Y. Tong*, M. J. Tung, W. S. Ko, Y. T. Huang, Y. P. Wang, L. C. Wang and J. M. Wu!
期刊論文 2013 Au Nanocrystal Array/Silicon Nanoantennas as Wavelength-Selective Photoswitches, Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 2723−2731. Yu-Kai Lin(*), Heng-Wen Ting(*), Chun-Yuan Wang(*), Shangjr Gwo, Li-Jen Chou, Cho-Jen Tsai, and Lih-
期刊論文 2013 Large area controllable hexagonal close-packed single-crystalline metal nanocrystal arrays with localized surface plasmon resonance response, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 3593–3599. Heng-Wen Ting(*), Yu-Kai Lin(*), Yi-Jen Wu(*), Li-Jen Chou, Cho-Jen Tsai and Lih-Juann Chen!
2013 Micropatterned stretching system for the investigation of mechanical tension on neural stem cells behavior, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 9 (2013) 345–355. Yu-Ju Chang(*), Cho-Jen Tsai, Fan-Gang Tseng, Tsung-Ju Chen(*), Tzu-Wei Wang!
期刊論文 2013 Packings of Os layers for the development of L1(0) order of FePt in nanoscale [Os-FePt](n) multilayer systems", Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 17C120 T. T. Su, Ching-Hung Hsiao, Shen-Chuan Lo, Wen Ouyang, Tzu-Yuan Li, H. Ouyang!, and Y. D. Yao!
期刊論文 2013 First-principles analyses of unusual ferromagnetism observed in CrSi2(core)/SiO2(shell) nanocables, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 17E140 Cheng-Tse Lee*, Tzu-Yuan Li*, Shian-Haw Chiou, Shen-Chuan Lo, You-Hong Han,and Hao Ouyang!
期刊論文 2013 Nanodiamond vacuum field emission integrated differential amplifier, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 60, pp. 487-493. S. H. Hsu*, W. P. Kang!, J. L. Davidson, J. H. Huang!, and D. V. Kerns
期刊論文 2013 High performance non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on nickel hydroxide modified nitrogen-incorporated nanodiamond, Analyst 138, pp. 3201-3208. Chih-Yu Ko*, Jin-Hua Huang!, Supil Raina*, and Weng P. Kang
期刊論文 2013 Nanodiamond vacuum field emission device with gate modulated triode characteristics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, p. 203105. S. H. Hsu*, W. P. Kang!, S. Raina*, and J. H. Huang!
期刊論文 2013 Preparation of a novel Pd/layered double hydroxide composite membrane for hydrogen filtration and characterization by thermal cycling, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 38, pp. 13734-13741. Y.-H. Chi*, J.-Y. Uan!, M.-C. Lin*, Y.-L. Lin, J.-H. Huang!
期刊論文 2013 Carbon nanotube alignment driven rapid actuations, Nanotechnology, 24, 465501 Yu-Hsien Lin*, Hsin-Jung Tsai*, Han-Cheng Chang*, Wen-Yi Lin*, Wei-Leun Fang, Wen-Kuang Hsu!(通訊作者)
期刊論文 2013 Experimental and computational insights in the growth of gallium-doped zinc oxide nanostructures with superior field emission properties, CrystEngComm, 15, 5764 Hsien-Ming Chiu*, Hsin-Jung Tsai*, Wen-Kuang Hsu, Jenn-Ming Wu!
期刊論文 2013 Thermal expansion and enhanced heat transfer in high entropy alloys, Journal of Applied Crystallography,46,736 C-L Lu*, S-Y Lu*, J-W Yeh, W-K Hsu!(通訊作者)
期刊論文 2013 Thermal expansion and enhanced heat transfer in high entropy alloys, Journal of Applied Crystallography,46,736 C-L Lu*, S-Y Lu*, J-W Yeh, W-K Hsu!(通訊作者)
期刊論文 2013 Use of aligned carbon nanotubes as electric field sensors, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 137, 439 C-L Lu*, H-J Tsai*, B-Y Wei, W-K Hsu!(通訊作者)
期刊論文 2013 Near-field optical imaging of a porous Au film: influences of topographic artifacts and surface plasmons, Plasmonics Y.-H. Lin*, B. Händel*, H. J. Huang, H.-A. Chen*, Y.-F. Chen, H.-N. Lin, and D. P. Tsai!
期刊論文 2013 Effect of bulk doping and surface-trapped states on water splitting with hematite photoanodes", Journal of Materials Chemistry A Jen-Chun Chou*, Szu-An Lin*, Chi-Young Lee and Jon-Yiew Gan!
期刊論文 2013 Photothermal effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the viability of BT-474 cancer cells, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Hung-Tao Chou*, Tsung-Pao Wang*, Chi-Young Lee, Nyan-Hwa Tai!, Hwan-You Chang!
期刊論文 2013 In situ detection of dopamine using nitrogen incorporated diamond nanowire electrode, Nanoscale Jayakumar Shalini*, Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran*, Chung-Li Dong, Chi-Young Lee!, Nyan-Hwa Tai
期刊論文 2013 Gold ion implantation induced high conductivity and enhanced electron field emission properties in ultrananocrystalline diamond films, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS K. J. Sankaran*, H. C. Chen*, B. Sundaravel*, C. Y. Lee, N. H. Tai!, and I. N. Lin!.