

國立清華大學及巴黎薩克雷大學線上雙邊研討會 Biomedical Smart Devices and Characterization Tools

為推動臺灣國立清華大學及法國巴黎薩克雷大學雙聯博士學位合作案,國立清華大學全球事務 處特於臺灣時間 2020 11 月間辦理「Biomedical Smart Devices and Characterization Tools」線上雙邊研討會,以利媒合雙邊頂尖學者進行合作研究。線上雙邊研討會合四大主題,敬邀本校各位師長、研究生參與。

日期November 18 – 20, 2020

時間4:00 PM to 7:10 PM in Taiwan

9:00 AM to 12:10 in France

地點: 線上或於行政大樓第一會議室參與

註冊: 事先註冊網頁登錄報名以獲得會議密碼/連結:http://oga.nthu.edu.tw/event/detail/sn/6


Session 1: Micro/Nanofluidics for Biologial/Medical Detection and Therapies

Philippe ROGER, Department of Chemistry / ICMMO, Univ. Paris Saclay
Surface functionalization of polymers for antibacterial purposes and other applications

Cheng-Hsien LIU 劉承賢, Power Mechanical Engineering Department & NEMS Institute, NTHU
Bio Lab Chip for Exploring in-vitro Disease Models

Edmond GRAVEL, Department of Medications and Healthcare Technologies, Univ. Paris Saclay
Micellar nanocarriers for biomedical applications

Chi-Shuo CHEN 陳之碩, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, NTHU
Reactive Oxygen Species and Inflammatory Responses of Macrophages to Substrates with Physiological Stiffness

Anne-Marie HAGHIRI, Department Microsystems and NanoBioFluidics in C2N / CNRS, Univ. Paris Saclay
Optimization of molecular enrichment in nanofluidic devices

Jen-Huang HUANG 黃振煌, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTHU
Fabrication of a Self-Breathing Bronchial-like Platform toward Pulmonary Drug Screening

Jean GAMBY, C2N, Department of Microsystems and NanoBioFluidics, MNBF, Univ. Paris Saclay
Microfabrication and electrochemical activation of amorphous carbon nitride a-CNx working microelectrode integrated in microfluidic chips

Session 2: Energy and Information for Biomedical Devices

Antoine DIET (Yann LEBIHAN), GEEPS - Electrical engineering lab of Paris, Univ. Paris Saclay
Near Field power and data transfer for health monitoring

Zong-Hong LIN 林宗宏, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, NTHU
A textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator with humidity-resistant output characteristic and its applications in self-powered healthcare sensors

Nicolas VIGNAIS, Department of Science, Univ. Paris Saclay
Preventing musculoskeletal disorders with on-body sensors and real-time biofeedback

Emile MARTINCIC, Microsystèmes et NanoBioFluidique, Univ. Paris Saclay
Porous polymer pressure sensors by sacrificial PVA patterning: a new way of tuning the sensors features

Session 3: Nano-tools for health

Keng-Ku LIU 劉耕谷, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, NTHU
Low-dimensional Nanomaterials for Chemical and Biological Sensing

Bernard BARTENLIAN, Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), Microsystems and Nanobiofluidics Department, Univ. Paris Saclay
Gold surface nanostructuring for SPR/SERS biosensors and their potential use for Coronavirus diseases studies

Ta-Jen YEN 嚴大任, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NTHU
Three plasmonic devices for bio-sensing and bio-imaging: UTLC-SERS chip, UV photodector and plasmonic NSOM tip

Session 4: Simulation and Optical tools for Physiology

Vincent VIGNERON, Electrical Engineering Department, Univ. Paris Saclay
Learning things – machine learning for designing smart system

Li-An CHU 朱麗安, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Science, NTHU
Whole organ imaging in single cell resolution

Frederic  PAIN, Department of Physics / Intistute of Optics ( IOGS), Univ. Paris Saclay
Wide field imaging of cerebral blood flow using multiple exposure speckle imaging

Yi-Wen LIU 劉奕汶, Department of Electrical Engineering, NTHU
Recent progress in modeling the mammalian cochlea

Dan BENHAMOU, Paris-Saclay Medical School, Univ. Paris Saclay
A French vision of simulation in Healthcare

Benoit LARRAT or Anthony NOVELL, CEA or BIOMAPS, Univ. Paris Saclay
