
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2013 Enhanced Seebeck coefficient of bismuth telluride compounds with graded doping profiles, Appl. Phys. Lett. H.-H. Huang*, M.-P. Lu*, C.-H. Chiu*, L.-C. Su*, C. N. Liao!, J.-Y. Huang, H.-L. Hsieh
2013 Mechanical and thermal processing effects on crystal defects and thermoelectric transport properties of Bi2(Se,Te)3 compounds, J. Alloys Compd. M.-P. Lu* and C. N. Liao!
期刊論文 2013 Morphology, Texture and Twinning Structure of Cu Films Prepared by Low-temperature Electroplating, J. Electrochem. Soc. C. N. Liao!, C.-Y. Lin*, C.-L. Huang* and Y.-S. Lu*
期刊論文 2013 Modulation of crystallographic texture and twinning structure of Cu nanowires by electrodeposition, J. Electrochem. Soc. C. N. Liao!, Y. C. Lu* and D. Xu,
期刊論文 2013 The influence of boron contents on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr–B–N thin films, Vacuum 87 J. W. Lee!, C. C. Hong*, H. W. Chen*, L. W. Ho*, J. G. Duh, and Y. C. Chan*
期刊論文 2013 Microstructure control in TiAlN/SiNx multilayers with appropriate thickness ratios for improvement of hardness and anti-corrosion characteristics, Vacuum 87 Y. C. Chan*, H. W. Chen*, P. S. Chao*, J. G. Duh!, and J. W. Lee
期刊論文 2013 The influence of Pd on growth behavior of a quaternary (Cu,Ni,Pd)6Sn5 compound in Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu/Au/Pd/Ni–P solder joint during a liquid state reaction, Journal of Materials Science 48 C. F. Tseng*, and J. G.Duh!
期刊論文 2013 Wetting kinetics and wettability enhancement of Pd added electrolytic Ni surface with molten Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder, Materials Letters 92 C. Y. Ho*, and J. G. Duh!
期刊論文 2013 Nanostructured LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material synthesized by polymer-assisted co-precipitation method with improved rate capability, Materials Letters 93 Y. C. Jin*, and J. G. Duh!
期刊論文 2013 Study of the Zn occupancy leading to the stability improvement for Cu6Sn5 using a first-principles approach, Materials Letters 93 W. Q. Shao!*, C. Y. Yu*, W. C. Lu, J. G. Duh, and S. O. Chen
期刊論文 2013 Microstructural variation and high-speed impact responses of Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu/ENEPIG solder joints with ultra-thin Ni–P deposit, Journal of Materials Science 48 C. Y. Ho*, J. G. Duh!, C. W. Lin, C. J. Lin, Y. H. Wu*, H. C. Hong, and T. H. Wang*
期刊論文 2013 The Role of Pd in Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Interconnect Mechanical Shock Performance, Journal of Electronics Materials 42 T. K. Lee!, B. Zhou*, T. R. Bieker, C. F. Tseng*, and J. G. Duh
2013 奈米結構強化低色溫有機發光二極體 周卓煇 主持人 2013年01月 ~ 2013年12月
2013 Electrochemical characterization of Zr-based thin film metallic glass in hydrochloric aqueous solution, Thin Solid Film C. Y. Chuang*, Y. C. Liao*, J. W. Lee!, C. L. Li*, J. P. Chu, and J. G. Duh
2013 以溶劑預混法製作超高演色性高自然光譜相似性OLED光源 周卓煇 主持人 2013年04月 ~ 2013年11月
期刊論文 2013 Large E-field tunability of microwave ferromagnetic properties in Fe50Co50-Hf/lead zinc niobate–lead titanate multiferroic laminates, Journal of Applied Physics S. D. Li!, M. Liu*, W. Shao*, J. Xu, S. Chen, Z. Zhou*, T. Nan*, N. X. Sun, and J. G. Duh
2013 超低色溫白光照明OLED元件設計及開發 周卓煇 主持人 2013年05月 ~ 2014年04月
期刊論文 2013 Stress competition and vortex magnetic anisotropy in FeCoAlO high-frequency soft magnetic films with gradient Al-O contents", Journal of Applied Physics S. D. Li!, H. Du*, Q. Xue*, S. Xie*, M. Liu*, W. Shao*, J. Xu, T. Nan*, N. X. Sun, and J. G. Duh
2013 色溫亮度可調類太陽光OLED製作可行性分析 周卓煇 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2014年08月
期刊論文 2013 Roles of Cu in Pb-free Solders Jointed with Electroless Ni(P) Plating, Materials Science and Engineering A C. F. Tseng*, C. J. Lee*, and J. G. Duh!