
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2013 Manipulated Transformation of Filamentary and Homogeneous Resistive Switching on ZnO Thin Film Memristor with Controllable Multistate, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces Chi-Hsin Huang*, Jian-Shiou Huang*, Chih-Chung Lai*, Hsin-Wei Huang*, Su-Jien Lin, and Yu-Lun Chueh!
2013 奈米電子導線及透明導電層用之奈米材料研究(3/3) 游萃蓉 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2014年07月
期刊論文 2013 In-Situ Doping Control and Electrical Transport Investigation of Single and Arrayed CdS Nanopillars, Nanoscale L. Gua*, X.Liu*, Kyungmook Kwon*, Chih-chung Lai*, Min Hyung Lee*, Yu-Lun Chueh, Kyoungsik Yu, Zhiyo
2013 先進積體電路材料特性分析與製程開發 游萃蓉 主持人 2013年10月 ~ 2014年12月
期刊論文 2013 Tuning the formation and functionalities of ultrafine CoFe2O4 nanocrystals via interfacial coherent strain, Nanoscale Ying-Hui Hsieh*, Ho-Hung Kuo*, Sheng-Chieh Liao*, Heng-Jui Liu*, Ying-Jiun Chen*, Hong-Ji Lin*, Chie
期刊論文 2013 Fabrication of large-scale single-crystal Cu(In, Ga)Se-2 nanotip arrays solar cell by one-step ion milling processes, THIN SOLID FILMS Wang, Yi-Chung* ; Yen, Yu-Ting* ; Liu, Chin-Hung* ; Chen, Chia-Hsiang* ;Kuo, Wei-Chen* ; Juang, Jenh
期刊論文 2013 High-Density Germanium Nanowire Arrays via Supercritical Fluid-Liquid-Solid Growth in Porous Alumina Templates, ECS Solid State Lett Chih-chung Lai*,Yi-Kai Lin*, Fang-Wei Yuan*, Hsing-Yu Tuanc and Yu-Lun Chueh!
期刊論文 2013 Fabrication of vertically aligned CuInSe2 nanorod arrays by template-assisted mechanical approach, Materials Chemistry and Physics Manisha Kondiba Date*, Bo-Cheng Chiu*, Chin-Hung Liu*, Yu-Ze Chen*, Yi-Chung Wang* , Hsing-Yu Tuan,
期刊論文 2013 Crystallinity improvement of ZnO thin film by hierarchical thermal annealing, Optical materials express Hsiang-Chen Wang!, Che-Hao Liao*, Yu-Lun Chueh, Chih-Chung Lai*, Po-Ching Chou*, and Shao-Ying Ting*
期刊論文 2013 Synthesis and characterization of ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum wells by molecular beam epitaxy, Optical materials express Hsiang-Chen Wang!, Che-Hao Liao*, Yu-Lun Chueh, Chih-Chung Lai*, Li-His Chen*, and Raymond Chien-Cha
期刊論文 2013 Pentacene organic thin-film transistors with solution-based gelatin dielectric, Organic Electronics Lung-Kai Mao*, Jenn-Chang Hwang!, Ting-Hao Chang*, Chao-Ying Hsieh*, Li-Shiuan Tsai*, Yu-Lun Chueh,
期刊論文 2013 Influence of catalyst choices on Transport Behaviors of InAs NWs for High-Performance Nanoscale Transistors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Szu-Ying Chen*, Chiu-Yen Wang*, Alexandra C. Ford*, Jen-Chun Chou*, Yi-Chung Wang*, Feng-Yun Wan*g,
期刊論文 2013 A method to form self-aligned carbon-nanotube-vias using a Ta-cap layer on a Co-catalyst, carbon, 56, 366-373 T. L. Liu*, H. W. Wu*, C. Y. Wang*, S. Y. Chen*, M. H. Hung*, and T. R. Yew!
期刊論文 2013 Flexible Direct-Growth CNT Biosensors, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 41, 898-902 Y. T. Chang*, J. H. Huang*, M. C. Tu*, H. Y. Chang, P. Chang and T. R. Yew!
期刊論文 2013 Low Resistivity Tin-Doped Copper Nanowires, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34, 529-531 C. Y. Lin*, C. Y. Wang*, M. H. Hung*, T. L. Liu*, and T. R. Yew!
期刊論文 2013 Carbon nanotubes for highly sensitive colorimetric immunoassay biosensor, journal of materials Chemistry B, 1, 5389-5392 J. H. Huang*, Y. J. Hong*, Y. T. Chang*, P. Chang, and T. R. Yew!
期刊論文 2013 The improvement of catalytic efficiency by optimizing Pt on carbon cloth as a cathode of a microbial fuel cell, Electrochimica Acta, 108, 241-247 S. J. Yen*, M. C. Tsai*, Z. C. Wang*, H. L. Peng, C. H. Tsai, and T. R. Yew!
2013 Effect of bulk doping and surface-trapped states on water splitting with hematite photoanodes, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 5908-5914 (2013) Jen-Chun Chou*, Szu-An Lin*, Chi-Young Lee and Jon-Yiew Gan!
期刊論文 2013 Improved Rear-Side Passivation by Atomic Layer Deposition Al2O3/SiNx Stack Layers for High V-OC Industrial p-Type Silicon Solar Cells, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS , 34(9),1164. Lin, Je-Wei*; Chen, Yi-Yang*; Gan, Jon-Yiew; Hseih, Hseih, Wei-Ping; Du, Chen-Hsu; Chao, Tien-Sheng!
期刊論文 2013 Thermoelectric properties of bismuth-selenide films with controlled morphology and texture grown using pulsed laser deposition, Appl. Surf. Sci P. H. Le*, C. N. Liao, C. W. Luo, J.-Y. Lin, J. Leu!