
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
研討會論文 2013 Water-lubricated Surface as Deadly Trap: Composite Structure and Surface Properties of Insect-eating Pitcher Plants, 142th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 2-7, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA. C.-P. Hsu, P.-Y. Chen
研討會論文 2013 Graphene/Polyaniline and Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline Coatings Significantly Improve the Electric Conductivity of Aluminum Paste Electrodes, MRS-Spring Meeting, Sanfrancisco, Hwui-Jay Chu, Chi-Young Lee, Nyan-Hwa Tai,
研討會論文 2013 Self-powered and Lead-free Nanogenerator Made from ZnSnO3 Microbelts, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, USA, San Francisco, 2013 April Jyh Ming Wu*, Kuan-Hsueh Chen, Chen Xu, Yan Zhang, Zhong Lin Wang
研討會論文 2013 Enhancing microplasma illumination based on vertically aligned conducting ultrananocrystalline diamond-silicon tip arrays”, European Materials Research Society 2013 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France Ting-Hsun Chang, Nyan-Hwa Tai and I-Nan Lin,
2013 具同質摻雜界面結構之熱電材料傳輸機制研究(2/2) 廖建能 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2014年07月
專利 2013 一維奈米材料之轉印方法, 中華民國發明專利,I 394708 蔡宗岩, 戴念華
2013 碲化鉍系熱電材料改質開發研究 廖建能 主持人 2013年02月 ~ 2014年11月
研討會論文 2013 investigation on the irritation and toxicity of graphene”, Workshop for Advanced Materials, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, June 24-25 (2013)(四國七校) Kai-Ping Wen, Ying-Chieh Chen, Hwan-You Chang, Chi-Young Lee, Nyan-Hwa Tai,
2013 銅基合金奈米線雙晶結構操控製程與特性研究(1/3) 廖建能 主持人 2013年08月 ~ 2014年07月
研討會論文 2013 Mechanical and functional design of natural dermal armors, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA. 26. C.-Y. Sun, H.-J. Fang, Pei-Chun, Chou, P.-Y. Chen
2013 熱電模組結合界面原子擴散機制探討 廖建能 主持人 2013年04月 ~ 2013年11月
研討會論文 2013 Cuttlebone: A multifunctional buoyancy control device, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA Y.-T. Ku, W.-G. Liu, Y.-Y. Lee, C.-C. Chiao, P.-Y. Chen
2013 熱電轉換材料應用與評估 廖建能 主持人 2013年03月 ~ 2013年11月
2013 列印式量子點超晶體材料與元件之製備、成長機制與物理性質研究(1/3) 陳學仕 主持人 2013年09月 ~ 2014年08月
研討會論文 2013 Vapor deposition polymerization as an alternative method to enhance the mechanical performance of bio-Inspired scaffolds, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA. P.-C. Chou, M. Porter, J. McKittrick, P.-Y. Chen
研討會論文 2013 Microstructural and Mechanical Evaluations of Innovative Hybrid Multilayer Coatings Inspired by Abalone Nacre, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA. C.-Y. Sun, Y.-C. Chan, J.-W. Lee, J.-G. Duh, P.-Y. Chen
研討會論文 2013 Influences of graphene on the viability of colon cancer cells under near infrared irradiation International conference Shen Y.S., Chang H.Y., Lee C.Y., Cheng Y.C., Tai N.H.,
研討會論文 2013 Ultra-fast Responsive Photodetector Made from VO2 Nanorods, ICMAT2013 - Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), Singapore, 2013 July Jyh Ming Wu*
期刊論文 2013 Transdermal regulation of vascular network bioengineering using a photopolymerizable methacrylated gelatin hydrogel. Ruei-Zeng Lin, Ying-Chieh Chen, Rafael Moreno-Luna, Ali Khademhosseini, and Juan M. Melero-Martin
期刊論文 2013 Structural Design and Mechanical Behavior of Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Osteoderms, Acta Biomaterialia, 2013;9:9049-9064 Chang-Yu Sun, Po-Yu Chen