
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
2014 功能性自我聚合奈米胜肽對於斑馬魚腦部血管新生作用之研究 王子威 主持人 2014年01月 ~ 2014年12月
期刊論文 2014 Exchange Bias Magnetism in Films of NiFe/(Ni,Fe)O Nanocrystallite Dispersions, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17D724 C.-H. Hsiao(*), R.D. Desautels(*), J. van Lierop, K.-W. Lin, C.-C. Chi(*), S. Wang(*), T.-L. Lin , H
期刊論文 2014 High entropy alloy mediated growth of graphene, CrystEngComm, 16, 6187 Yih-Farn Kao*, Chia-I Hung*, Shih-Hsin Chang, Jien-Wei Yeh, Wen-Kuang Hsu!
期刊論文 2014 Photo-excitation promoted quality factor of carbon nanotubes, Journal of power sources, 249, 515 Yu-Hsien Lin*, Yih-Farn Kao*, Hsin-Jung Tsai*, Wen-Kuang Hsu!
期刊論文 2014 Exploitation of piezoelectricity for enhancing photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanowires, Materials Letters J.-H. Chang*, H.-N. Lin!
期刊論文 2014 Investigation of the photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanowires: substrate effect and kinetics analysis, Journal of Nanomaterials J.-H. Chang*, H.-N. Lin!
期刊論文 2014 Development of diamond cathode materials for enhancing the electron field emission and plasma characteristics using two-step microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B Shiu-Cheng Lou*, Chulung Chen, Srinivasu Kunuku*, Keh-Chyang Leou, Chi-Young Lee, Huang-Chin Chen*,
期刊論文 2014 Enhanced Electron Field Emission Properties of Conducting Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films after Cu and Au Ion Implantation, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran*, Huang-Chin Chen*, Kalpataru Panda*, Balakrishnan Sundaravel*, Ch
期刊論文 2014 Green reduction of graphene oxide by Hibiscus sabdariffa L. to fabricate flexible graphene electrode, CARBON Hwei-Jay Chu*, Chi-Young Lee, Nyan-Hwa Tai!
期刊論文 2014 Development of an educational virtual transmission electron microscope laboratory, VIRTUAL REALITY Wernhuar Tarng!, Chi-Fen Tsai*, Chih-Ming Lin, Chi-Young Lee, Hsin-Hun Liou*
期刊論文 2014 In vitro and in vivo evaluation of ultrananocrystalline diamond as an encapsulation layer for implantable microchips, Acta Biomaterialia Ying-Chieh Chen!, Che-Yao Tsai*, Chi-Young Lee, I-Nan Lin
期刊論文 2014 Vapour solid reaction growth of SnO2 nanorods as an anode material for Li ion batteries, RSC Advances Kai-Chieh Hsu*, Chi-Young Lee, Hsin-Tien Chiu!
期刊論文 2014 Size-controlled wurtzite zinc oxide spheres with the characteristics of visible absorption and Mie scattering, CrystEngComm Ting-Ting Chen*, I-Chun Chang*, Min-Chiao Tsai*, Yi-Chun Chang*, Min-Han Yang*, Po-Chin Chen*, Hsin-
期刊論文 2014 Self-powered electrochemical deposition of Cu@Ni(OH)2 nanobelts for high performance pseudocapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A I-Chun Chang*, Ting-Ting Chen*, Min-Han Yang*, Hsin-Tien Chiu, Chi-Young Lee!
期刊論文 2014 Scattering resonance enhanced dye absorption of dye sensitized solar cells at optimized hollow structure size, Journal of Power Sources Min-Chiao Tsai*, Jeng-Yi Lee*, Ya-Chen Chang*, Min-Han Yang*, Tin-Tin Chen*, I-Chun Chang*, Pei-Chi
期刊論文 2014 Porous titanium oxynitride sheets as electrochemical electrodes for energy storage, Nanoscale Ting-Ting Chen*, Hsiao-Ping Liu*, Yen-Ju Wei*, I-Chun Chang*, Min-Han Yang*, Yu-Shu Lin*, Kuei-Lin C
期刊論文 2014 Porous Inorganic Materials from Living Porogens: Channel-like TiO2 from Yeast-Assisted Sol−Gel Process, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Yi-Chun Chang*, Chi-Young Lee, Hsin-Tien Chiu!
2014 廢棄物資源再利用及高質化技術-從太陽能切削廢漿料開發商用高電容矽基鋰電池負極材料之研究(2/3) 杜正恭 主持人 2014年04月 ~ 2015年03月
期刊論文 2014 Mediatorless N2 incorporated diamond nanowire electrode for selective detection of NADH at stable low oxidation potential, Analyst Jayakumar Shalini*, Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran*, Huang-Chin Chen*, Chi-Young Lee!, Nyan-Hwa T
2014 具結晶/非晶多元複合與層積合金薄膜之開發與性質分析(2/3) 杜正恭 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月