
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2014 Materials and interfaces issues in pentacene/PTCDI-C-8 ambipolar organic field-effect transistors with solution-based gelatin dielectric, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS Lung-Kai, Mao*, Yu-Lun, Chueh, and Jenn-Chang Hwang!
期刊論文 2014 High performance Cu2O/ZnO core-shell nanorod arrays synthesized using a nanoimprint GaN template by the hydrothermal growth technique, Optical Materials Express Yung-Sheng Chen*, Che-Hao Liao*, Yu-Lun Chueh, Chih-Chung Lai*, Li-Yin Che*n, Ann-Kuo Chu*, Chie-Ton
期刊論文 2014 Direct Synthesis of Graphene with Tunable Work Function on Insulators via In-situ Boron Doping by Nickel-Assisted Growth, Journal of physical chemistry C Wen-Chun Yen*, Henry Medina*, Jian-Shiou Huang*, Chih-Chung Lai*, Yu-Chuan Shih*, Shih-Ming Lin*, Ji
期刊論文 2014 Spectroscopic investigation of gamma radiation-induced coloration in silicate glass for nuclear applications, Journal of Nuclear Materials Hsu-Sheng Tsai*, Der-Sheng Chao*, Ya-Hsuan Wu*, Yu-Ting He*, Yu-Lun Chueh, and Jenq-Horng Liang!
2014 Scalable Graphene Synthesized by Plasma-Assisted Selective Reaction Process on Silicon Carbide for Device Application, Nanoscale Hsu-Sheng Tsai*, Chih-Chung Lai*, Henry Medina*, Shih-Ming Lin*, Yu-Chuan Shih*, Yu-Ze Chen*, Jenq-H
期刊論文 2014 Large-Scale Nanotwins in Copper Films/Cu Nanowires via Stress Engineering by High Energy Ion Beam Bombardment Process: Growth and Characterization, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Tsung-Cheng Chan*, Yu-Ze Chen*, Chien-Neng Liao! and Yu-Lun Chueh!
2014 電子推拉式有機小分子整塊異質接面光響應薄膜與元件之光物理性質研究(3/3) 林皓武 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月
期刊論文 2014 Dynamic Observation of Phase Transformation Behaviors in Indium(III) Selenide Nanowire Based Phase Change Memory, ACS NANO Yu-Ting Huang*, Chun-Wei Huang* , Jui-Yuan Chen*, Yi-Hsin Ting* , Kuo-Chang Lu, Yu-Lun Chueh, and We
2014 新型元件結構有機薄膜太陽能電池研製與光電特性研究(2/3) 林皓武 主持人 2014年08月 ~ 2015年07月
期刊論文 2014 Single CuOx Nanowire Memristor: Forming-Free Resistive Switching Behavior, Applied Materials & Interfaces Kai-De Liang*, Chi-Hsin Huang*, Chih-Chung Lai*, Jian-Shiou Huang*, Hung-Wei Tsai*, Yi-Chung Wang*,
2014 有機薄膜中分子結構排列及偶極矩分佈之研究 林皓武 主持人 2014年01月 ~ 2014年12月
期刊論文 2014 Tunable multilevel storage of complementary resistive switching on single step formation of ZnO/ZnWOx bilayer structure via interfacial engineering, Applied Materials & Interfaces Shih-Ming Lin*, Jiun-Yi Tseng*, Teng-Yu Su*, Yu-Chuan Shih*, Jian-Shiou Huang*, Chi-Hsin Huang*, Su-
2014 學界分包-新型溶液製程OLED元件驗證研究 林皓武 主持人 2014年05月 ~ 2014年11月
期刊論文 2014 Toward Omnidirectional Light Absorption by Plasmonics Effect for High Efficiency Flexible Non-Vacuum Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film Solar Cell, ACS NANO Shih-Chen Chen*, Yi-Ju Chen*, Wei Ting Chen*, Yu-Ting Yen*, Tsung Sheng Kao*, Tsung-Yeh Chuang*, Yu-
2014 有機薄膜中分子結構排列及偶極矩分佈之控制技術開發與對取光效率影響之研究 林皓武 主持人 2014年12月 ~ 2015年12月
期刊論文 2014 Toward High Efficiency and panel size 30×40 cm2 Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cell: Investigation of Modified Stacking Sequences of Metallic Precursors and Pre-annealing Process without Se Vapor at Low Temperature, Nano Energy Tsung-Ta Wu*, Jyun-Hong Huang*, Fan Hu*, Chia-ho Chang*, Wen-Long Liu, Tsang-Hsiu Wang, Chang-Hong S
2014 103年度工研院學研計畫-有機薄膜中分子結構排列及偶極矩分佈之研究 林皓武 主持人 2014年04月 ~ 2014年12月
期刊論文 2014 Conformal Graphene Coating on High-Aspect Ratio Si Nanorod Arrays by Vapor Assisted Method for Field Emission emitter application, RSC Advances Wen-Chun Yen*, Henry Medina*, Chun-Wei Hsu and Yu-Lun Chueh!
期刊論文 2014 Large Scale and Orientation-Controllable Nanotip Structures on CuInS2, Cu(In,Ga)S2, CuInSe2, and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 by Low Energy Ion Beam Bombardment Process: Growth and Characterization, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces Yu-Ting Yen*, Yi-Chung Wang*, Yu-Ze Chen*, Hung-Wei Tsai*, Fan Hu*, Shih-Ming Lin*, Yi-Ju Chen*, Wen
期刊論文 2014 Fabrication of Large Scale Single Crystal Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3) Nanosheet Arrays by Single Step Electrolysis Process, Nanoscale Hung-Wei Tsai*, Tsang-Hsiu Wang*, Tsung-Cheng Chan*, Pei-Ju Chen*, Chih-Chun Chung*, Alireza Yaghou