
類型 年份 著作/計畫名稱 著作人 參與人 擔任之工作 計畫時間 補助/委託或合作機構 獎項名稱 得獎人 頒獎單位 日期
期刊論文 2014 Phases, microstructure and mechanical properties of AlxCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys at elevated temperatures, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Woei-Ren Wang*, Wei-Lin Wang*, Jien-Wei Yeh!
期刊論文 2014 Developing an advanced Si-bearing DS Ni-base superalloy, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS An-Chou Yeh!, K.C. Yang*, Jien-Wei Yeh, Chen-Ming Kuo
期刊論文 2014 On the Solidification and Phase Stability of a Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti High-Entropy Alloy, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A An-Chou Yeh!, Yao-Jen Chang*, Che-Wei Tsai*, Yen-Chun Wang*, Jien-Wei Yeh, Chen-Ming Kuo
期刊論文 2014 Wet-process feasible novel carbazole-type molecular host for high efficiency phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C Volume: 2 Pages: 8707-8714 J. H. Jou!, S. Kumar*, D. Tavgeniene*, C. C. An*, P. H. Fang*, E. Zaleckas*, J. V. Grazulevicius*, a
期刊論文 2014 Materials, Designs, Fabrications, and Applications of Organic Electronic Devices, International Journal of Photoenergy Volume: 2014 Article ID: 512717 J. H. Jou!, R. Lygaitis, K. R. J. Thomas, and L. S. Liao
期刊論文 2014 Enabling Lambertian-Like Warm White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with a Yellow Phosphor Embedded Flexible Film, International Journal of Photoenergy Volume: 2014 Article ID: 851371 C. C. Chen*, H. Y. Lin*, C. H. Li*, J. H. Wu*, Z. Y. Tu*, L. L. Lee*, M. S. Jeng*, C. C. Lin!, J. H.
期刊論文 2014 Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Color Tunable between Bluish-White Daylight and Orange-White Dusk Hue, International Journal of Photoenergy Volume: 2014 Article ID: 480829 S. Y. Liao*, S. Kumar*, H. H. Yu*, C. C. An*, Y. C. Wang*, J. W. Lin*, Y. L Wang*, Y. C. Liu*, C. L.
2014 合金設計耐熱連結板合金材料 葉安洲 主持人 2014年01月 ~ 2014年12月
期刊論文 2014 OLED Fabrication by Using a Novel Planar Evaporation Technique, International Journal of Photoenergy Volume: 2014 Article ID: 683037 F. C. Tung!, Y. S. Wang*, S. H. Lai*, C. C. Chen*, S. H. Chen*, C. C. Wang*, J. H. Jou! and S. Z. Ch
2014 Fe-Cr-AL電熱線合金設計:高溫材料特性研究 葉安洲 主持人 2014年05月 ~ 2015年08月
期刊論文 2014 A universal, easy-to-apply light-quality index based on natural light spectrum resemblance, Applied Physics Letters Volume: 104 Article number: 203304 J. H. Jou!, K. Y. Chou*, F. C. Yang*, A. Agrawal*, S .Z. Chen*, J. R. Tseng*, C. C. Lin*, P. W. Chen
2014 以合金設計法與先進製粉技術開發及製作雷射積層製造之高品質超硬合金製品 葉安洲 主持人 2014年11月 ~ 2015年10月
期刊論文 2014 Candlelight style organic light-emitting diode: a plausibly humanfriendly, Journal of Photonics for Energy Volume: 4 Article number: 043598 J. H. Jou!, C. Y. Hsieh*, P. W. Chen*, S. Kumar*, J. H. Hong*
期刊論文 2014 3,6-Diaryl substituted 9-alkylcarbazoles as hole transporting materials for various organic light emitting devices, Dyes and Pigments Volume: 106 Pages: 1-6 G. Krucaite*, D. Tavgeniene*, J. V. Grazulevicius*, Y. C. Wang*, Y. C. Hsieh*, J .H. Jou!, G. Garsva
2014 Artificial Dusk-light Based on Organic Light Emitting Diodes, ACS Photonics Volume: 1 Pages: 27-31 J. H. Jou!, R. Z. Wu*, H. H. Yu*, C. J. Li*, Y. C. Jou*, S. H. Peng*, Y. L. Chen*, C. T. Chen!, S. M
期刊論文 2014 Broadband optical properties of large-area monolayer CVD molybdenum disulfide, Physical Review B 90 (19), 195434 Wei Li*, A G. Birdwell*, Matin Amani*, Robert A Burke*, Xi Ling*, Yi-Hsien Lee, Xuelei Liang!, Lianm
期刊論文 2014 Trion induced negative photoconductivity in monolayer MoS2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 166801 C.H. Lui*, A. J. Frenzel*, D. V. Pilon*, Yi-Hsien Lee, X. Ling*, G. M. Akselrod*, J. Kong, and N. Ge
期刊論文 2014 Electronic transport and device prospects of monolayer molybdenum disulphide grown by chemical vapour deposition, Nature Communications 5, Article number: 3087 (2014) Wenjuan Zhu!, Tony Low!, Yi-Hsien Lee, Han Wang, Damon B. Farmer*, Jing Kong, Fengnian Xia, Phaedon
期刊論文 2014 Role of the Seeding Promoter in MoS2 Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition, Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (2), pp 464–472 Xi Ling*, Yi-Hsien Lee!, Yuxuan Lin*, Wenjing Fang*, Lili Yu*, M.S. Dresselhaus, Jing Kong!
期刊論文 2014 Raman Enhancement Effect on Two-Dimensional Layered Materials: Graphene, h-BN and MoS2, Nano Lett., 2014, 14 (6), pp 3033–3040 Xi Ling* , Wenjing Fang*, Yi-Hsien Lee, Paulo T. Araujo*, Xu Zhang*, Joaquin F. Rodriguez-Nieva