Course Information | Course Number | 10420MS 203000 | Credit | 3 | Size of Limit | 150 | Course Title | Various Defects in Crystalline Materials | Instructor | CHANG, SHOU-YI
| Time | T1T2F1F2
| Room | DELTA台達B05 |
Syllabus | 1. Course Description
The class talks about the knowledge of materials structuress and
defects, including materials structures (crystal structures, bonding,
and Analytical methods), materials defects (vacancies, solid solution,
dislocations, grain boundaries, and plastic deformation), and
elimination of defects (annealing), etc. The goal of the class is to
establish the concept of materials structures and defects, to solve
questions about materials structures and defects, and to establish the
important knowledge of materials science.
2. Text Books
R. Abbaschian, L. Abbaschian, and R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles
(4th Ed.), Cengage Learning, Stamford, CT, 2010.
3. References
4. Teaching Method
The lecture in class(PPT+writing on the blackboard) is as principle.
There is also the time for TA to explicate exercises and questions.
5. Syllabus
01 Structure of Materials – Crystal Structure
02 Structure of Materials –Miller Indices and Standard Projections
03 Analytical Methods – X-Ray Diffraction
04 Analytical Methods – Microscopy
05 Crystal Binding and Bonding
06 Dislocations – Dislocation Structure and Burgers Vectors
07 Dislocations – Dislocation Motion and Stress/Strain Field
08 Dislocations and Plastic Deformation – Slip and Slip System
09 Midterm Examination
10 Dislocations and Plastic Deformation – Work Hardening
11 Grain Boundaries – Boundary and Dislocation Structures
12 Grain Boundaries – Surface Tension and Grain Size
13 Vacancies – Free Energy and Vacancies
14 Annealing – Recovery and Recrystallization
15 Annealing – Grain Growth and Growth Law
16 Solid Solutions – Interstitial and Substitutional Solid Solutions
17 Solid Solutions – Dislocation Atmosphere and Strain Aging
18 Final Examination
6. Evaluation Mid-term exam 40%、Homework + Pop quiz 20%、Final exam 40%。