Course Information | Course Number | 10410MS 502100 | Credit | 3 | Size of Limit | 40 | Course Title | Transmission Electron Microscopy | Instructor | CHANG, SHOU-YI
| Time | T3T4R3R4
| Room | DELTA台達B09 |
Syllabus | 1. Course Description
class consists of the basic understanding of electron microscopy,
principle of diffraction, and the imaging analysis. The basic
understanding of electron microscopy is about the developement and the
application of electron microscopy, the principle of electron beam and
signal source, the instrument structure, the preparation of the sample,
the imaging principle, and aberrations, etc. The diffration introduces
diffration, reciprocal lattice, diffration patterns, Kikuchi patterns,
single and multiple slit diffraction, and other complex theories in
depth. The imaging analysis is about diffraction contrast,
imaging of microscopy, phase contrast, high resolution imaging, SEM,
and EDS, etc. The goal of the class is to establish the basic knowledge
of electron microsccopy,and to apply these theories to analysis and
solve microstructure and crystal structures problems which are
encountered during the research.
2. Text Books
(1) 陳力俊等, “材料電子顯微鏡學”, 科儀叢書, 科技部精密儀器發展中心, 1990.
(2) D. B. Williams & C. B. Carter, “Transmission Electron Microscopy”, 2nd Edition,
Springer, New York, NY, 2009
3. References
4. Teaching Method The
lecture in class(PPT+writing on the blackboard) is as principle. There
is also the time for TA to explicate exercises and questions.
5. Syllabus
01 History/Development and Applications
02 Electron/Matter Interaction and Information
03 The Instrument and Specimens
04 Imaging/Contrast and Aberrations
05 Diffraction and Reciprocal Space I
06 Diffraction and Reciprocal Space II
07 Kinematical Diffraction of Electrons I
08 Kinematical Diffraction of Electrons II
09 Midterm Examination
10 Diffraction Patterns and Kikuchi Patterns I
11 Diffraction Patterns and Kikuchi Patterns II
12 Dynamic Scattering of Electron Diffraction
13 Diffraction Contrast and Microstructure Imaging I
14 Diffraction Contrast and Microstructure Imaging II
15 Phase Contrast and High-Resolution Imaging
16 Scanning Electron Microscope
17 Spectrometry – XEDS & EELS
18 Final Examination
6. Evaluation Mid-term exam 40%、Homework + Pop quiz 20%、Final exam 40%。