Course Information | Course Number | 10710MS 308100 | Credit | 3 | Size of Limit | 150 | Course Title | Metallic Materials
| Instructor | CHANG, SHOU-YI
| Time | R5R6R7
| Room | DELTA台達B05 |
Syllabus |
一、課程說明 (Course Description) 本課程先講述金屬材料重要基礎知識,包括相與相平衡圖、成長與孕核、擴散行為、凝固及析出,並 再針對鐵碳合金、碳鋼、合金鋼、不銹鋼、鑄鐵、工具鋼、鋁合金、銅合金、鈦合金、鎳鈷合金、鎂 鋅合金、耐火金屬及高熵合金等各種金屬材料逐一介紹,使學生能建立金屬材料領域知識,並進一步 將所學與未來相關研究結合。
二、指定用書 (Text Books) W. F. Smith, Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys, McGraw-Hill, 2013.
三、參考書籍 (References) R. Abbaschian, L. Abbaschian, and R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical metallurgy Principles, Cengage Learning, 2010. M. F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Elsevier, 2005. W. F. Smith & J. Hashemi, Foundations of Mater. Sci. & Eng., McGraw-Hill, 2011.
四、教學方式 (Teaching Method) 課堂講授為主 (投影片+黑板書寫),另安排教學助理時間講解習題及問題。
五、教學進度 (Syllabus) 01 Phases and Phase Diagrams 02 Nucleation, Growth, Diffusion 03 Solidification of metals 04 Precipitation Hardening 05 Iron-Carbon Alloys 06 Carbon Steels 07 Alloy Steels 08 Aluminum Alloys 09 Midterm Examination 10 Copper Alloys 11 Stainless Steels 12 Cast Irons 13 Tool Steels 14 Titanium Alloys 14 Nickel and Cobalt Alloys 16 Magnesium and Zinc Alloys 17 Refractory Alloys, High-Entropy Alloys 18 Final Report
六、成績考核 (Evaluation) 期中考試 45%、期末報告 40%、平時作業+小考+課堂參與(出席) 15%。
七、可連結之網頁位址 iLMS