December 30, 2015
專題生楊思維錄取加拿大多倫多大學材料科學工程研究所碩士班December 6~10, 2015
12/6~10 ICMOBT, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA6th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues
December 1, 2015
陳柏宇老師受邀至台北富邦講堂—「未來系列」講座發表演講【自然‧取法‧解構‧仿生】November 19, 2015
畢業生張尹之眼鏡蛇與斑龜蛋殼研究發表於 Acta BiomaterialiaYin Chang and Po-Yu Chen, “Hierarchical Structure and Mechanical Properties of Snake (Naja atra) and Turtle (Ocadia sinensis) Eggshells” Acta Biomaterialia 2015 (in press)

November 15~18, 2015
11/15~18 TACT2015 國際鍍膜研討會, Tainan, Taiwan學生黃棨暐口頭報告論文
題目:Synthesis of bio-inspired organic/inorganic multilayer coatings using a hybrid sputtering and pulsed laser deposition technique
恭賀學生羅友翔、楊晴瑜獲得 Excellence Poster Awards of TACT2015
題目:Bio-inspired Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic Surface via a Facile Spray Coating Method

November 13, 2015
恭喜專題生廖柏翔、陳柏屹、張善修甄試上清大材料所September 18, 2015
August 03, 2015
學生研究室自材料科技館419遷移至401/403August 01, 2015
陳柏宇老師擔任材料系副系主任July 24, 2015
題目:Synthesis of Hierarchically Porous Bio-Inspired Composites by Diatomite and Freeze Casting
July 01, 2015
2015台灣奈米影像暨奈米新詩創作競賽獲獎比賽名稱: 2015台灣奈米影像暨奈米新詩創作競賽
組別: 影像新詩創作組
姓名: 黃棨暐 陳柏宇
獎項: 金牌獎
作品名稱: 生命樂章-電鏡下之藕斷絲連新理解
組別: SEM組
姓名: 莊詠傑 張皓凱 徐宗豪 方浩任 陳柏宇
獎項: 銀牌獎
作品名稱: 矮人的聚會-爬岩鰍鰭上角質蛋白化細毛

June 30, 2015
題目:Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Attachment Mechanisms of the Hillstream River Loach (Sinogastromyzon puliensis)

June 29, 2015
題目:Inspirations from the Peristome of Nepenthes: Microstructural Characterization and Wettability Measurment of Multifunctional Surfaces Synthethesized by Bio-replication and Surface Modification Techniques

June 10, 2015
題目:Bio-templating of China Rose and Porous Plants by a Sol-Gel Method:Using TiO2 and CaCO3 as Template

June 8, 2015
題目:Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Mechanical Evaluation of Protective Bio-composites:Inspirations from Cobra Snake and Chinese Striped-neck Turtle Eggshells

May 27, 2015
May 21, 2015
陳柏宇老師受邀至上海交通大學材料學院金屬基複合材料重點實驗室演講May 11-15, 2015
2015 E-MRS Spring, Lille , France學生楊晴瑜出席2015 E-MRS Spring (Oral presentation)
題目:A Versatile Self-assembly Strategy for Synthesizing Bio-inspired Ominiphobic Fluorotriethoxysilane-based Coating
April 8, 2015
4/8 2015 MRS Spring, San Francisco, USA學生楊晴瑜出席2015 MRS Spring
題目:Bio-inspired Omniphobic Surfaces of Silicon Nanopillars Modified by Triethoxysilan-based Hybrid Coatings

April 20-22, 201
2015 International Conference on Meteallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (ICMCTF)陳柏宇老師參加2015 ICMCTF並發表邀請演講(invited talk)
題目:Bio-inspired Organic/Inorganic Multilayer Coatings Synthesized by RF Sputtering and Pulse Laser Deposition

March 30, 2015
University of Liverpool - Honorary Appointment陳柏宇老師獲英國利物浦大學工學院聘為Honorary Research Fellow
March15 - 19, 2015
2015 TMS Annual Meeting & ExhibitionProf. Chen and group members attended the 2015 TMS Meeting held in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Haw-Kai Chang, Chuang Yung Chieh and Pang-Hsuan Lee, Yu-Min Lin, Yin Chang and Jui-Yi Chen gave 6 oral presentations in TMS meeting:
3/16 11:20-11:40 Yu-Min,Lin presented“Synthesis of Multi-functional Surfaces Inspired from the Peristome of Pitcher Plants”
3/17 8:50-9:10 Haw-Kai Chang presented “Bio-inspired Synthesis of Ceramic Scaffolds by a Novel Sol-Gel/Freeze Casting Hybrid Method”
3/17 15:00-15:20 Pang-Hsuan Lee presented “Bio-inspired Synthesis of Lightweight, Hierarchically Structured Porous Composites by Freeze Casting”
3/18 10:20-10:40 Chuang Yung Chieh presented“Underwater Attachment and Functional Adaptations of River Loach”
3/18 10:40-11:00 Jui-Yi Chen presented “Synthesis of Biomorphic TiO2 Using Leaf Vein as Template”
3/19 10:10-10:30 Yin Chang presented“Inspirations from Reptilian Eggshells for Novel Polymer-based Composites”
March 3, 2015
恭賀學生楊晴瑜國際研討會口頭報告論文被接受(2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting)題目:A Versatile Self-assembly Strategy for Synthesizing Bio-inspired Ominiphobic Fluorotriethoxysilane-based Coating
March 3, 2015
恭賀學生楊晴瑜獲科技部補助出席國際學術會議(2015 MRS Spring Meeting)題目:Bio-inspired Omniphobic Surfaces of Silicon Nanopillars Modified by Triethoxysilan-based Hybrid Coatings
January 22, 2015
題目:Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Mechanical Investigation of Shark Teeth