December 17, 2012
賀!陳柏宇教授 獲頒美國礦冶與材料學會年輕領袖獎November 23-24, 2012
Materials Research Society Taiwan
November 11, 2012
TACT conference孫彰佑參加 2012年台灣鍍膜科技協會年會
學生海報競賽 獲頒優等獎
學生口頭報告競賽 第一名

November 11, 2012
Progress in Materials Science Publication
P.-Y. Chen, J. McKittrick, M.A. Meyers, "Biological materials: Functional adaptations and biomimetic designs" , Progress in Materials Science (2012) 57, 1492-1704 (SCI) (IF:18.216)
July 10- Aug. 24, 2012
2012 summer cross-strait exchange student Chu-Chu Zhao (趙楚楚)Aug. 17, 2012
Congratulation to Chu-Chu, Zhao (趙楚楚) to win the 2nd prize on the Academic Presentation of Summer Cross-strait Exchange Program, 2012.June 16, 2012
Congratulation to Chang-Yu, Sun to join the science camp of Ta-You, WuJune 16, 2012
Prof. Po-Yu Chen’s collaborative research with UCSD on natural armors (Adv. Eng. Mater. 2012;14:279) was featured in Science (2012) 335, 782 on June 16, 2012