Home    Chinese    English Prof. Tsong P. Perng

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Honors and Awards
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Chair Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

CEO, Wu Ta-You Foundation                                                                       2004-
Managing Director, National Applied Research laboratories                            2012-
Independent Director, Delta Electronics, Inc.                                                  2012-
Director, TSMC Education and Culture Foundation                                        2013-
Director, Hsin Chih-Ping Scholarship Foundation                                            2002-



        Prof. Perng received his Ph. D. degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in December, 1984.  After staying for another nine months in the same group as a postdoctoral research associate, he returned to Taiwan and joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu in August, 1985.  Since then, he had been a faculty member at NTHU until August, 2005 when he was appointed as the President of Yuan Ze University.

       Ever since he became a faculty member at NTHU, he has been very much devoted to teaching and research in MSE.  He has also been actively involved in service for the MSE community, both domestic and international.  So far, he has supervised approximately 85 graduate students, 20 PhD’s. and more than 65 masters.  During 1994-1997, he was the Chairman of the MSE Department, NTHU.  Being the Chairman, he earned the credit in teaming up the faculty members, getting more research funding from the government agents and industry, and promoting the academic reputation of the department.

        He was the Chairman of the organizing committees for the annual meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS-T) in 1996 and for the IUMRS (International Union of Materials Research Societies)-ICA (International Conference in Asia)-1994.  In addition, he also served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Chinese Corrosion Engineering during 1994-1996.  Because of these services and achievement, he received the outstanding service award by the MRS-T in 1997.  In addition, Prof. Perng was invited to serve as associate editor of Acta Metallurgica and Materialia and Scripta Metallurgica and Materialia (now Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia, respectively) during 1996-1999.

      His service to the government and industry includes coordination to initiate the National Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NPNN) under the National Science Council and to found Taiwan Nanotechnology Industry Development Association (TANIDA).  The first phase of the NPNN had a total budget of US$700M during 2004-2008, that is a big thrust to promote the R&D of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Taiwan.  As for the TANIDA, it has served as a bridge to link the local industry to the academia to promote nanotechnology.  It has also established strategic alliance with many similar organizations abroad.

        In 2007, Prof. Perng was elected as the President of MRS-T, which is also a founding member of IUMRS.  He served two terms starting from January, 2008 till December, 2011.  MRS-T is an active member in IUMRS that organizes ICEM (International Conference in Electronic Materials), ICAM (International Conference in Advanced Materials), and ICA (International Conference in Asia).  With more than 100 group members and more than 1000 individual members, MRS-T is the most recognized organization to serve the community of MSE in Taiwan.  During his term, he was the chairman of IUMRS ICA-2011 held in Taipei.

        As for the international collaboration, he cooperated with Polish Academy of Sciences and National Research Council of Canada to work on nanostructured materials in the past few years.  During March to July, 2005, he was a visiting scientist in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge.

        In 1993, he received the outstanding research award by the National Science Council, Taiwan.  In 2004, he was further honored to receive the Achievement Award in Materials Science by Ho Chin-Tai Foundation.  During 2005-2012, he was the Far Eastern Chair of Materials Science at Yuan Ze University.  He was Distinguished Professor at National Tsing Hua University during 2005-2009. 

        Furthermore, he was a recipient of the Academic Award of Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan in 2009.  The award is the highest honor offered by the MOE.  Because of this, he was appointed as a life-time chair professor of National Tsing Hua University in the same year.

        Based on his academic achievement and contributions to the MSE community, he was elected as Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IMMM) of UK in 2008, Fellow of Australia Institute of Energy in 2010, and Fellow of Materials Research Society-Taiwan in 2012.  He is now a senate member of IUMRS.
