著作 |
- T. P. Perng, N. Kimizuka, and H. Steinfink, "Phase Relations of Ternary Compounds in the Ba-Fe-S System," J. Solid State Chem., 40, 92-100 (1981).
- J. S. Swinnea, G. A. Eisman, T. P. Perng, N. Kimizuka, and H. Steinfink, "The Crystal Structure of Ba2Fe4S5 Tetrahedral," J. Solid State Chem., 41, 104-108 (1982).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Hydrogen Permeation and Diffusion in Cryoformed AISI 301 Stainless Steel," Scripta Metall., 18, 67-70 (1984).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Effects of Deformation on Hydrogen Permeation in Austenitic Stainless Steels," Acta Metall., 34, 1771-1781 (1986).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "On the Effective Hydrogen Permeability in Metastable Beta Titanium Alloy, Niobium, and 2.25Cr-1Mo Ferritic Steel," Metall. Trans. A, 17A, 2086-2090 (1986).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Comparison of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels," Metall. Trans. A, 18A, 123-134 (1987).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Effects of Water Vapor and Hydrogen Sulfide on Hydrogen Permeation in Stainless Steels," Acta Metall., 36, 1251-1260 (1988).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Cracking Kinetics of Two-Phase Stainless Steel Alloys in Hydrogen Gas," Metall. Trans. A, 19A, 145-152 (1988).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Effects of Water Vapor on Hydrogen-Induced Slow Crack Growth in Stainless Steels," Metall. Trans. A, 19A, 651-656 (1988).
- T. P. Perng, M. J. Johnson, and C. J. Altstetter, "Hydrogen Permeation Through Coated and Uncoated Waspaloy," Metall. Trans. A, 19A, 1187-1192 (1988).
- T. P. Perng, M. J. Johnson, and C. J. Altstetter, "Influence of Plastic Deformation on Hydrogen Diffusion and Permeation in Stainless Steels," Acta Metall., 37, 3393-3397 (1989).
- C.-L. Lee, J.-J. Chen, W.-J. Wen, T.-P. Perng, J.-M. Wu, T.-B. Wu, T.-S. Chin, R.-S. Liu, and P.-T. Wu, "Phase Relations of Equilibrium Compounds in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System, " Modern Phys. Lett., B19, 331-336 (1989).
- C.-L. Lee, J.-J. Chen, W.-J. Wen, T.-P. Perng, J.-M. Wu, T.-B. Wu, T.-S. Chin, R.-S. Liu, and P.-T. Wu, "Equilibrium Phase Relations in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System at 850 and 900 oC," J. Mater. Res., 5, 1403-1408 (1990).
- T. P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Hydrogen Effects in Austenitic Stainless Steels," Mater. Sci. Eng., A129, 99-107 (1990).
- I.-F. Tsu and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Compatibility of Femnal Alloys," Metall.Trans. A, 22A, 215-224 (1991).
- C.-L. Yu and T.-P. Perng, "Surface Effects on Electrochemical Hydrogen Diffusion in Stainless Steels," Acta Metall. Mater., 39, 1091-1099 (1991).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Concentration Dependence of Hydrogen Diffusivity in Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy," Acta Metall. Mater., 39, 1101-1109 (1991).
- B.-L. Chu, S.-M. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Formation of Amorphous Ti-Fe Alloys by Mechanical Alloying," J. Appl. Phys., 69(8), 4211-4215 (1991).
- B.-L. Chu, S.-M. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Hydrogen Absorption Property of Amorphous Ti50Fe50," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 16, 413-416 (1991).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng "Gaseous Hydrogen Embrittlement of Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy," J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 10, 1443-1445 (1991).
- J.-J. Lin, T.-P. Perng, and C.-T. Yeh, "Hydrogen Solubility in Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy," Scripta Metall. Mater., 25, 1179-1182 (1991).
- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng "Microstructural Correlations with the Hydrogenation Kinetics of FeTi1+x Alloys," J. Alloys Comp., 177, 107-118 (1991).
- B.-L. Chu, C.-C. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Amorphization of Ti1-xMnx Binary Alloys by Mechanical Alloying," Metall. Trans. A, 23A, 2105-2110 (1992).
- S.-M. Lee, T.-P. Perng, H.-K. Juang, S.-Y. Chen, W.-Y. Chen, and S.-E. Hsu, "Microstructures and Hydrogenation Properties of TiFe1-xMx Alloys," J. Alloys Comp., 187, 49-57 (1992).
- S.-T. Shih and T.-P. Perng, "Corrosion Behavior of Two-Phase Femnal Alloys in 3.5% NaCl Solution," Corrosion, 49, 130-134 (1993).
- S.-T. Shih, I.-F. Tsu, and T.-P. Perng, "Environmentally Assisted Cracking of Two-Phase Femnal Alloys in NaCl Solution," Metall. Trans. A, 23A, 459-465 (1993).
- M. Ruscak and T.-P. Perng, "Combined Effects of Hydrogen and Magnetization on the Tensile Properties in 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel," Scripta Metall. Mater., 29, 123-128 (1993).
- C. J. Lihn, C. C. Wan, C. M. Wan, and T. P. Perng, "The Influence of Deposits on Pd Cathode on the D2O Electrolysis," Fusion Technol., 24, 324-333 (1993).
- M. Ruscak and T.-P. Perng "Pitting of Fe-Mn-Al Alloys in NaCl Solution," J. Marine Sci. Technol., 1, 1-5 (1993).
- C.-C. Chen, Z.-H. Chin, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Crystallization of Ti50Mn50 Amorphous Alloy," Mater. Sci. Eng., A173, 383-386 (1993).
- L.-C. Hwang and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Transport in Ferritic Stainless Steel under Elastic Stress," Mater. Chem. Phys., 36, 231-235 (1994).
- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of the Second Phase on the Initiation of Hydrogenation of TiFe1-xMx (M=Cr, Mn) Alloys," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 19, 259-263 (1994).
- S.-U. Liu, C.-L. Lee, C.-H. Kao, and T.-P. Perng, "Oxidation of Two-Phase Fe-Mn-Al Alloys at 800 oC," J. Chinese Corr. Eng., 8, 140-148 (1994).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Fe-Ni Based Amorphous Alloy," J. Chinese Corr. Eng., 9, 141-147 (1995).
- C. J. Lihn, C. C. Wan, and T.-P. Perng, "In-Situ Comparison of Diffusivities for Hydrogen and Deuterium in Palladium," J. Appl. Electrochem., 25, 61-67 (1995).
- M.-H. Wang, R.-J. Guo, T.-L, Tso, and T.-P. Perng, "Effects of Sintering on the Photoelectrochemical Properties of Nb-doped TiO2 Electrodes," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 20, 555-560 (1995).
- R.-J. Guo, M.-H. Wang, T.-L. Tso, and T.-P. Perng, "Photoelectrochemical Properties of Sulfidized TiO2 Electrodes," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 20, 561-566 (1995).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Cracking of Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Induced by Static Charging with Hydrogen," Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 26A, 191-196 (1995).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Embrittlement of Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy by Electrolytic Hydrogen," Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 26A, 197-201 (1995).
- M. Ruscak and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Ferrite on Corrosion of Femnal Alloys in NaCl Solution," Corrosion, 51, 738-743 (1995).
- Y.-S. Hsu and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogenation of Multicomponent Zr-base C15 Type Alloys," J. Alloys Comp., 227, 180-185 (1995).
- M. Ruscak and T.-P. Perng, "Deformation and Cracking Behavior of Fe-Mn-Al Alloys in NaC1 Solution," Corrosion, 52, 464-471 (1996).
- S.-M. Lee, R.-J. Guo, T.-L. Tso, and T.-P. Perng, "Photoelectrochemical Response and Surface Variation of TiO2 Electrodes Irradiated with Laser Light," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 21, 253-257 (1996).
- Z.-H. Chin and T.-P. Perng, "Instant Formation of TiN by Reactive Milling Ti in Nitrogen," Mater. Sci. Forum, 235-238, 73-78 (1997).
- C.-L. Lee, B. Radojevic, F.-R. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Growth of Semicoherent TiFe Nanoparticles in Beta-Ti Matrix," Mater. Sci. Forum, 235-238, 457-462 (1997).
- Z.-H. Chin and T.-P. Perng,, "Amorphization of Ni-Si-C Powder by Mechanical Milling with SiC," Mater. Sci. Forum, 235-238, 121-126 (1997).
- Z.-H. Chin and T.-P. Perng, "In Situ Observation of Self-Catalytic Combustion to Form TiN During Mechanical Milling of Ti in Nitrogen, " Appl. Phys. Lett., 70(18), 2380-2382 (1997).
- B. B. Radojevic, T. P. Perng, and M. Davidovic, "The Study of Crystallization Processes of TiNi Ribbon," Advanced Mater. Process, 282, 41-46, 1998.
- C.-L. Lee, B. Radojevic, F.-R. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Growth of Semicoherent TiFe Nanoparticles in Beta-Ti Matrix in the Ti73Fe27 Rapidly Quenched Ribbon," Metall. Mater. Trans. A., 29A, 131-137 (1998).
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "In Situ Monitor of Hydrogen Absorption-Desorption in Pd and Pd70Ag30 Films by EQCM," J. Alloys Comp., 293-295, 468-471 (1999).
- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Correlation of Substitutional Solid Solution with Hydrogenation Properties of TiFe1-xMx(M=Ni, Co, Al) Alloys," J. Alloys Comp., 291, 254-261 (1999).
- S.-Y. Liu, C.-L. Lee, C.-H. Kao, and T.-P. Perng, "High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Two-Phase Fe-Mn-Al Alloys," Corrosion, 56, 339-349 (2000).
- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Effects of B and C on the Hydrogenation Properties of TiFe and Ti1.1Fe, " Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 25, 831-836 (2000).
- C.-H. Chiang, Z.-H. Chin, and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogenation of TiFe on High Energy Ball Milling," J. Alloys Comp., 307, 259-265 (2000).
- L.-C. Lai, C.-L. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Hydriding of Multicomponent AB2-type Zr-Mn-V-Co-Ni Amorphous Alloy," J. Alloys Comp., 307, 266-271 (2000).
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Analysis of Hydrogen and Deuterium Absorption in Pd Nanofilms," J. Alloys Comp., 311, 283-287 (2000).
- Y.-S. Hsu, S.-L. Chiou, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Hydrogenation Behavior of C15-type Zr(Mn,Ni)2 Alloys," J. Alloys Comp., 313, 263-268 (2000).
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Stress Induced by Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption in Pd Nanofilms," J. Alloys Comp., 316, 280-283 (2001).
- C.-L. Lee, F.-R. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Crystallization Characteristics of the Ti53Cu47 Amorphous Alloy," Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 32A, 1599-1608 (2001).
- H.-S. Chen, J.-J. Chiu, and T.-P. Perng, "On the Photoluminescence of Si Nanoparticles," Mater. Phys. Mech., 4, 1-4 (2001).
- H.-C. Chu, S.-R. Sheen, C.-T. Yeh, and T.-P. Perng, "Compositional Inhomogeneity of Pd-Ag Nanoparticles Probed by Hydrogen," J. Alloys Comp., 322, 198-204 (2001).
- C.-W. Chou, H.-C. Chu, H.-J. Chiang, C.-Y. Huang, C.-J. Lee, S.-R. Sheen, T.-P. Perng, and C.-T. Yeh, "Temperature-Programmed Reduction Study on Calcination of Nano-Palladium," J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 9113-9117 (2001).
- S.-R. Chung and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Performance of Gas-Atomized MmNi5-based Alloy Powders," J. Alloys Comp., 356-357, 768-772 (2003).
- C.-C. Shen, S.-M. Lee, J.-C. Tang, and T.-P.Perng, "Cyclic Hydrogenation of a LmNi5-based Alloy with Different Hydrogen Loadings," J. Alloys Comp., 356-357, 800-803 (2003).
- R.-J. Shih, Y.Oliver Su, and T.-P.Perng, "Hydrogenation Properties of a Nonbreakable Electrode made of ZrMn0.6V0.2Co0.1Ni1.2 and Ag," J. Alloys Comp., 353, 283-288 (2003).
- S.-R. Chung and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Particle Size on Hydrogenation Properties of a Gas-atomized AB5-type Alloy," J. Alloys Comp., 353, 289-284 (2003).
- T.-P. Perng and J.K. Wu, "A Brief Review Note on Mechanisms of Hydrogen Entry into Metals," Mater. Lett., 57, 3437-3438 (2003).
- J.-J. Chiu, W.-S. Wang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum nanoparticles prepared by vapor condensation," Appl. Phys. Lett., 83, 347-349 (2003).
- J.-J. Chiu, C.-C. Kei, T.-P. Perng, and W.-S. Wang, "Organic semiconductor nanowires for field emission," Adv. Mater., 15, 1361-1364 (2003).
- J.-J. Chiu, W.-S. Wang, C.-C. Kei, C.-P. Cho, T.-P. Perng, P.-K. Wei, and S.-Y. Chiu, "Room temperature vibrational photoluminescence and field emission of nanoscaled tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum crystalline film," Appl. Phys. Lett., 83, 4607-4609 (2003).
- H. M. Hseuh, N. H. Tai, T. P. Perng, and S D. Chyou, "Fabrication and characterization of nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes - (1) Synthesis of carbon nanotubes," Composite Materials III, Key Engineering Materials, 249, 65-68 (2003).
- R.-J. Shih, Y.Oliver Su, and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Gas-Rechargeable Metal Hydride Electrode for Ni-MH Battery," J. Electrochem. Soc., 152, A1479-1482 (2005).
- C.-C. Shen and T.-P. Perng, "On the cyclic hydrogenation stability of an Lm(NiAl)5-based alloy with different hydrogen loading,' J. Alloys Comp., 392, 187-191 (2005).
- R.-J. Shih, Y. Oliver Su, and T.-P. Perng, "Self-supported electrodes made of LaNi4.25Al0.15Co0.5V0.1 and Ag or Ni for hydrogenation," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 31, 1716-1720 (2006).
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, L.-Y. Jang, J.-F. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Variation of Surface Composition and Sintering of Binary Pd70Ag30 Nanoparticles," J. Alloys Comp., 415, 62-65 (2006).
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, and T.-P. Perng, "Selective Oxidation of Pd and compositional reconstruction in Pd70Ag30 Alloy Nanoparticles," J. Alloys Comp., 417, 60-62 (2006).
- C.-P. Cho, C.-A. Wu, and T.-P. Perng, "Crystallization of Amorphous AlQ3 Nanoparticles and the Transformation to Nanowires," Adv. Funct. Mater., 16, 819-823 (2006).
- S.-R. Chung, K.-W. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Crystalline Co Powder," J. Electrochem. Soc., 153, A1128-1131 (2006).
- Z. H. Khan, S. S. Islam, S. C. Kung, T. P. Perng, S. Khan, K. N. Tripathi, M. Agarwal, M. Zulfequar, and H. Husain, "Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes grown on Fe70Pd30 film," Physica B-Cond. Matter, 373, 317-322 (2006).
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, and T.-P. Perng, "Surface Segregation and Homogenization of Pd70Ag30 Alloy Nanoparticles," J. Alloys Comp., 422, 223-226 (2006).
- C.-P. Cho and T.-P. Perng "Decreased phase transition temperatures of Alq3 nanoparticles," Nanotechnology, 17, 3756-3760 (2006).
- C. Y. Yu, C. C. Shen, and T. P. Perng, "Microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V processed by hydrogenation," Scripta Mater., 55, 1023-1026 (2006).
- W.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, W.-H. Hung, and T.-P. Perng, "Desorption of surfactant and sintering of surface –modified PdxNi1-x nanoparticles," Appl. Surf. Sci., 252, 8751-8755 (2006).
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Surface Modification on De-alloying in Pd70Ag30 Nanoparticles," J. Alloys Comp., 426, 341-344 (2006).
- C.-P. Cho, C.-Y. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Growth of AlQ3 nanowires directly from amorphous thin film and nanoparticles," Nanotechnology, 17, 5506-5510 (2006).
- C.-C. Kei, T.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Su, C.-T. Lee, C.-N. Hsiao, C.-H. Tsai, S.-C. Chang, and T. -P. Perng, "Metal oxide nanohoneycomb prepared by solution-based nanosphere lithography," Chem. Mater., 18, 4544-4546 (2006).
- M.-Y. Tsai, C.-Y. Yu, C.-H. Young, N.-H. Tai, T.-P. Perng, C.-M. Tu, Z. H. Khan, Y.-C. Liao, and C.-C. Chi, "Electrical transport properties of individual disordered carbon nanotubes," Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 192115 (2006).
- C.J. Lan, T.S. Chin, P.H. Lin, and T.P. Perng, "Zn-Al alloy as a new anode-metal of a zinc-air battery," J. New Mat. Electrochem. Systems, 9, 27-32 (2006).
- C. C. Shen and T. P. Perng, "Pressure-Composition Isotherms and Reversible Hydrogen-Induced Phase Transformations in Ti-6Al-4V," Acta Mater., 55, 1053-1058 (2007).
- R. J. Shih, Y. O. Su, and T. P. Perng, "Hydrogen gas-rechargeable metal hydride electrode for Ni-MH battery (II)," J. Electrochem. Soc., 154, A75-79 (2007).
- S.-R. Chung, K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Sheen, C.-T. Yeh, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Reduction and Hydrogenation of Co Oxides," Electrochem. Solid State Lett., 10, A155-158 (2007).
- P.-J. Chen, M.-Y. Tsai, C.-C. Chi, and T.-P. Perng, "On the formation and photoluminescence of Si1-xGex nanoparticles," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 7, 3340-3343 (2007).
- C.-P. Cho and T.-P. Perng, "Field emission of AlQ3 film with nanoprotrusions," Nanotechnology, 18, 125202 (2007).
- C.C. Yu, L.X. Yang, C.C. Shen, B. Luan, and T.P. Perng, "Corrosion Behavior of Thermohydrogen Processed Ti-6Al-4V," Scripta Mater., 56, 1019-1022 (2007).
- C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, Y.-W. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Organic nanowire-templated fabrication of alumina nanotubes by atomic layer deposition," Nano Lett., 7, 1566-1569 (2007).
- C.-C. Kei, T.-H. Chen, C.-M. Chang, C,-Y. Su, C.-T. Lee, C.-N. Hsiao, S.-C. Chang, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation of Periodic Arrays of Nanocrystal by Using Nanohoneycomb as Reaction Vessel," Chem. Mater., 19, 5833-5835 (2007).
- F. C. Hsu, Y. C. Liao, D. C. Yan, S. Y. Gu, M. K. Wu, H. Y. Tang, and T. P. Perng, "Observation of metal-insulator transition in vacuum-doped superconducting Li(Ti2-xVx)O4," Physica C, 460-462, 546-548 (2007).
- M. Aggarwal, S. Khan, M. Husain, T. C. Ming, M. Y. Tsai, T. P. Perng, and Z. H. Khan, "Variable-range hopping in Fe70Pt30 catalyzed multi-walled carbon nanotubes film," Eur. Phys. J. B, 60, 319-324 (2007).
- C.-P. Cho and T.-P. Perng, "One-dimensional organic and organometallic nanostructured materials," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 8, 69-87 (2008).
- M.-Y. Tsai, J.-J. Chiu, S.-F. Horng, C.-C. Chi, and T.-P. Perng, "Photolumine-scence Characteristics of Si Nanocrystallites and Amorphous Oxygen-containing Si Nanoparticles: the Reversible Effect of Ambient Atmosphere and Luminescence Mechanism," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 8, 366-373 (2008).
- C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Optical Properties of TiO2 Nanohoneycomb," Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 47, 757-759 (2008).
- C.-C. Cheng, C.-H. Chien, G.-L. Luo, C.-H. Yang, C.-C. Chang, C.-Y. Chang, C.-C. Kei, C.-N. Hsiao, and T.-P. Perng, "Effects of Interfacial sulfidization and thermal annealing on the electrical properties of an atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 gate dielectric on GaAs substrate," J. Appl. Phys., 103, 074102 (2008).
- J.-J. Chiu and T.-P. Perng, "Passive optical properties of silicon nanoparticle-embedded benzocyclobutene polymer waveguide," Nanotechnology, 19, 285718 (2008).
- M.-Y. Tsai, C.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Water-driven formation of luminescent Zn2GeO4 nanorods from Zn-containing Ge nanoparticles," Crystal Growth Design, 8, 2264-2269 (2008).
- M.-Y. Tsai, C.-Y. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Synthesis and Photoluminescence of Amorphous Ca-Ge-O Nanowires," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 8, 6376-6380 (2008).
- Z. H. Khan, M. Husain, T. P. Perng, N. Salah, and S. Habib, "Electrical transport via variable range hopping in an individual multi-wall carbon nanotube," J. Phys.-Condensed Matt., 20, 475207 (2008).
- C.-J. Wang, M.-Y. Tsai, C. C. Chi, and T.-P. Perng, "Surface Effects on the Photoluminescence of Si Quantum Dots," J. Nanoparticle Res., 11, 569-574 (2009).
- S.-R. Chung, K.-W. Wang, M.-H. Teng, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Nanocrystalline Face-centered Cubic Co Powder," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 34, 1383-1388 (2009).
- C. C. Shen, C. Y. Yu, and T. P. Perng, "Variation of Structure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V with Isothermal Hydrogenation Treatment," Acta Mater., 57, 868-874 (2009).
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, Y.-C. Wei, J.-F. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Temperature-programmed Surface Reaction (TPSR) of CH4 Synthesis by PdxNi100-x Nanoparticles," Appl. Surf. Sci., 255, 5802-5805 (2009).
- M. K. Wu, F. C. Hsu, K. W. Yeh, T. W. Huang, J. Y. Luo, M. J. Wang, H. H. Chang, T. K. Chen, S. M. Rao, B. H. Mok, C. L. Chen, Y. L. Huang, C. T. Ke, P. M. Wu, A. M. Chang, C. T. Wu, and T. P. Perng, "The development of the superconducting PbO-type β-FeSe and related compounds," Physica C, 469, 340-349 (2009).
- C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, Y. Tao, and T.-P. Perng "Photoluminescence of GaQ3-Al2O3 core-shell nanowires," Electrochem Solid State Lett., 12, K449-K452 (2009).
- M.-H. Lin, T.-S. Hsu, P.-M. Yang, M.-Y. Tsai, T.-P. Perng, and L.-Y. Lin, "Comparison of organic and inorganic germanium compounds in cellular radiosensitivity and preparation of germanium nanoparticles as a radiosensitizer," Int. J. Radiation Biology, 85, 214-226 (2009).
- C.-C. Wang, C.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Kei, C.-T. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Formation of TiO2 Nanowires on Silicon Directly from Nanoparticles," Nanotechnology, 20, 285601 (2009).
- Y.-W. Yu, C.-P. Cho, and T.-P. Perng, "Crystalline Gaq3 Nanostructures-Preparation, Thermal Property and Spectroscopy Characterization," Nanoscale Res. Lett., 4, 820-829 (2009).
- C. Liu, C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, Y.-C. Hsueh, and T.-P. Perng, "Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes for Application in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell," Small, 5, 1535-1538 (2009).
- C.-P. Cho and T.-P. Perng, "On the dendritic growth and amorphous AlQ3 nanowires," Org. Electronics, 11, 115-122 (2010).
- J.-C. Wang, W.-T. Weng, M.-Y. Tsai, M.-K. Lee, S.-F. Horng, T.-P. Perng, C.-C. Kei, C.-C. Yu, and H.-F. Meng, "Highly efficient flexible inverted organic solar cell using atomic layer deposited ZnO as electron selective layer," J. Mater. Chem., 20, 862-866 (2010).
- C.-C. Wang, K.-W. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Electron Field Emission from Fe-doped TiO2 Nanotubes," Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 143102-143104 (2010).
- Y.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Hsueh, P.-S. Lee, C.-C. Wang, J.-R. Chen, J.-M. Wu, T.-P. Perng, and H C. Shih, "Preparation of Pt/SnO2 Core-Shell Nanowires with Enhanced Ethanol Gas- and Photon-Sensing Properties," J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, K206-K210 (2010).
- C.-Y. Wang, C.-P. Cho, and T.-P. Perng, "Structural Transformation and Crystallization of Amorphous Copper Phthalocyanine Nanostructures," Thin Solid Films, 518, 6720-6728 (2010).
- C.-C. Shen, J. C.-P. Chou, H.-C. Li, Y.-P. Wu, and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Interstitial Boron and Carbon on the Hydrogenation Properties of Ti25V35Cr40 Alloy," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 35, 11975-11980 (2010).
- Y.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Wang, J.-M. Wu, T.-P. Perng, and H.-C. Shih, "Enhancing the Photon-Sensing Properties of ZnO Nanowires by Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum," Electrochem. Solid State Lett., 13, K93-K95 (2010).
- C.-C. Wang, C.-Y. Yu, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B by Anchored TiO2 Nanowires," J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 11, 200-203 (2011).
- Y.-H. Lin, P.-S. Lee, Y.-C. Hsueh, K.-Y. Pan, C.-C. Kei, M.-H. Chan, J.-M. Wu, T.-P. Perng, and H.-C. Shih, "Atomic Layer Deposition of Zinc Oxide on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for UV Photodector Applications," J. Electrochem. Soc., 158, K24-K27 (2011).
- Y.-T. Tao, K.-Y. Wu, K.-H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Odd-even modulation of electrode work function with self-assembled layer: Interplay of energy barrier and tunneling distance on charge injection on organic light-emitting diodes," Org. Electronics, 12, 602-608 (2011).
- J.-C. Wang, C.-Y. Lu, J.-L. Hsu, M.-K. Lee, Y.-R. Hong, T.-P. Perng, S.-F. Horng, and H.-F. Meng, "Efficient inverted organic solar cells without an electron selective layer," J. Mater. Chem., 21, 5723-5728 (2011).
- Y.-C. Liang , C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, Y.-C. Hsueh, W.-H. Cho, and T.-P. Perng, "Synthesis and Photocatalysis of Ag-loaded TiO2 Nanotube Arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 9498-9502 (2011).
- C.-C. Wang, C. -C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of TiO2 Nanotubes by Atomic Layer Deposition and Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications," Nanotechnology, 22, 365702 (2011).
- K.-Y. Wu, Y.-T. Tao, C.-C. Ho, W.-L. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "High-performance space-charge-limited transistors with well-ordered nanoporous aluminum base electrode," Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 093306 (2011).
- Y.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Hsueh, P.-S. Lee, C.-C. Wang, J.-R. Chen, J.-M. Wu, T.-P. Perng, and H.-C. Shih, "Fabrication of Tin Dioxide Nanowires with Ultrahigh Gas Sensitivity by Atomic Layer Deposition," J. Mater. Chem., 21, 10552-10558 (2011).
- H.-S. Chen, S.-H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Characterization of Molecularly Homogeneous Silica-Titania Film by Sol-Gel Process with Different Synthetic Strategies," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 4, 5188-5195 (2012).
- Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, Y.-H. Lin, C. Liu, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of catalyst by atomic layer deposition for high specific power density proton exchange membrane fuel cell," J. Catal., 294, 63-68 (2012).
- Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Wang, C. Liu, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Deposition of platinum on oxygen plasma treated carbon nanotubes by atomic layer deposition," Nanotechnology, 23, 405603 (2012).
- W. T. Chang, Y. C. Hsueh, S. H. Huang, K. I. Liu, C. H. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Ag-loaded Multi-walled TiO2 Nanotube Arrays and Their Photocatalytic Activity," J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 1987-1991 (2013).
- M.-Y. Tsai, S. H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Low-temperature Synthesis of Zn2GeO4 Nanorods and Their Photoluminescence," J. Lumin., 136, 322-327 (2013).
- M.-L. Lee, C.-Y. Su, Y.-Y. Lin, S.-C. Liao, J.-M. Chen, T.-P. Perng, J.-W. Yeh, and H.-C. Shih, "Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 on Negative Electrode for Lithium Ion Batteries," J. Power Sources, 244, 410-416 (2013).
- H.-S. Chen, S. H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Highly Transparent Hard Bio-coating Synthesized by Low Temperature Sol-Gel Process," Surf. Coat. Technol., 233, 140-146 (2013).
- K.-I. Liu, Y.-C. Hsueh, S.-H. Huang, P.-H. Chen, H.-S. Chen and T.-P. Perng, "Photoelectrochemical Application of Mesoporous TiO2/WO3 Nanohoneycomb Prepared by Sol-Gel Method," Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 38, 7750-7757 (2013).
- C. Y. Su, Y. C. Hsueh, C. C. Kei, C. T. Lin, and T. P. Perng, "Fabrication of High-activity Hybrid Pt-ZnO Catalyst on Carbon Cloth by Atomic Layer Deposition for Photo-assisted Electro-oxidation of Methanol," J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 11610-11618 (2013).
- T.-P. Perng and C. J. Altstetter, "Modeling of Temperature Dependent Cracking of Stainless Steels," in "Modeling Environmental Effects on Crack Growth Processes," R. H. Jones and W. W. Gerberich, eds., TMS-AIME, 273- 281 (1985).
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- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Studies on Hydrogen Permeation in Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy by Electrochemical Method," Proceedings of the 1989 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, 351-356 (1989).
- L.-C. Hwang, C.-L. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrolytic Hydrogen Permeation in Deformed Ferritic Stainless Steel," ibid, 347-350.
- K. C. Chen, T. S. Chin, T.-P. Perng, J. M. Wu, T. B. Wu, and C. H. Lin, "Growth of (00L) Y-Ba-Cu-O Films by a Crucibleless Liquid Phase Method," ibid, 1151-1154.
- C.-L. Lee, J.-J. Chen, W.-T. Wen, T.-P. Perng, J.-M. Wu, T.-B. Wu, T.-S. Chin, P.-T. Wu and R.-S. Liu, "The Phase Relations on the Boundary Lines in the Pseudoternary System Bi2O3-(Ca,Sr)O-CuO," ibid, 1155-1158.
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- L.-C. Hwang, S.-M. Lee, C.-S. Wu, and T.-P. Perng, "On Hydrogen Permeation and Embrittlement in Thermal Spray Coated AISI 4340 Steel," in "Surface Modification Technologies III," T. S. Sudarshan and D. G. Bhat, eds., TMS-AIME, 793-804 (1989).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Cracking of Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 by Cathodic Charging with Hydrogen," in "Hydrogen Effects on Material Behavior," N. R. Moody and A. W. Thompson, eds., TMS-AIME, 881-890 (1989).
- C.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Liang, T.-P. Perng, L.-J. Yuan, C.-M. Wan, and C.-C. Wan, "Phenomena Observed in the Electrolysis of the D-Pd System," 4th Inter. Symp. Electrochem., Tainan, August, 1990.
- C.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Liang, T.-P. Perng, L.-J. Yuan, C.-M. Wan, and C.-C. Wan, "Observation of Excess Heat and Tritium on Electrolysis of D2O," in "Cold Fusion," Special Symposium Proceedings of the 8th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Hawaii, 95-105 (1990).
- S.-T. Shih and T.-P. Perng, "Corrosion Behavior of Duplex Fe-Mn-Al Alloys in 3.5% NaC1 Solution," Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, 30-31 (1991).
- H.-C. Chang and T.-P. Perng, "Formation of Bi2Ca2Sr2Cu3Oy from Various Precursors," ibid, 320-321.
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Embrittlement of Amorphous Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 Alloy by Cathodic Charging," Proceedings of the First International Symposium in Environmental Effects on Advanced Materials, NACE, San Diego, 22-1 (1991).
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- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Second Phase on the Initiation of Hydrogenation of TiFe1-xMx, Alloys," Proceedings of the 9th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Paris, 951-960 (1992).
- S.-T. Shih and T.-P. Perng, "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Two-Phase Femnal Alloys in NaC1 Solution," Proceedings of the First NACE Asian Conference, Singapore, 178 (1-12), Sept., 1992.
- C. M. Wan, C. J. Lihn, Z. H. Chin, C. Y. Liang, S K. Chen, C.C. Wan, and T.-P. Perng, "Repeated Heat Bursts in the Electrolysis of D2O," Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cold Fusion, Nagoya, October, 1992, pp. 75-78.
- Z.-H. Chin, C.-C. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Hydrogenation of Amorphous Ti50Mn50 Alloy," Proceedings of IUMRS-ICAM, Tokyo, Japan, 1993.
- Z.-H. Chin, B.-L. Chu, C.-C. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Mixed Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Structures of Some Elemental Powders Prepared by Mechanical Milling," Proceedings of IUMRS-ICA, Wuhan, 1993, pp. 210-214.
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- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogenation Properties of TiFe1-xMx (M = Cr, Mn, Ni and Cu) Ternary Alloys," Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaohsiung, April, 1994, pp. 596-597.
- S.-U. Liu, C.-L. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Oxidation Properties of Two-Phase Fe-Mn-Al alloys at 800oC, Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaohsiung, April, 1994, pp. 688-689.
- S.-M. Lee and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogenation Properties of Ti-Zr-Fe and Ti-Fe-B Ternary Alloys," Proceedings of the 10th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Cocoa Beach, Florida, 1139-1146 (1994).
- M.-Ruscak and T.-P. Perng, "Deformation and Cracking Behavior of Fe-Mn-Al Alloys in NaC1 Solution," Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Corrosion Control, Taichung, August, 1994.
- Y. S. Hsu and T.-P. Perng, "Gas Phase Hydrogenation of Multicomponent Zr-base C15 Type Alloys," Proceedings of Hydrogen Power Thermal & Electrochemical Systems International Symposium, Gaeta, Italy, 217-222 (1995).
- J.-J. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Fe-Ni Based Amorphous Alloys," Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Corrosion Control, Taipei, August, 1995.
- A. Huang and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Performance of Zr-Mn-V-Ni Based AB2 Laves Phase Alloys as the Negative Electrodes of Ni/MH Battery," Proceedings of the 1996 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp. 70-73.
- Z.-H. Chin and T.-P. Perng, "Instantaneous Formation of TiN by Reactive Ball Milling," ibid, pp.98-101.
- L.-C. Lai, S.-Y. Liu, and T.-P. Perng, "Gas-phase hydrogenation properties and electrode performance of La(Ni,Al,Co,V)5 alloys, "Rare Earths Science Technology &Applications III, eds, R. G. Bautista, C. O. Bounds, T. W. Ellis, and B. T. Kilbourn, 1997 TMS Annual Meeting, Feb.9-13, 1997, Orlando, FL, pp.97-106.
- A. Huang and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Performance of Zr-Mn-V-Ni Alloy Electrodes of Ni/MH Battery," Proc. Hydrogen Power, Theoretical and Engineering Solutions, International Symposium, Grimstad, Norway, August, 1997, pp.237-242.
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "In Situ Monitor of Hydrogen Absorption-Desorption in Pd and Pd70Ag30 Films by EQCM," International Symp. on Metal Hydrogen Systems, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 4-9, 1998.
- J.-J. Chiu and T.-P. Perng, "Visible Light Emission of Si Nanoparticles Gas," Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan, p. 178.
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, " Surface Effects on Hydrogen Absorption in Pd Nanofilm," Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan, p. 207.
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Stresses Induced by Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption in Pd Nanofilms," International Symp. on Metal Hydrogen Systems, Noosa, Australia, Oct. 1-6, 2000.
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Analysis of Hydrogen/ Deuterium Absorption-Desorption in Pd and Pd70Ag30 Nanofilms by EQCM," International Congress on Advanced materials, their Processes and Applications, Munich, Germany, Sept. 25-28, 2000.
- S.-R. Chung, T.-P. Perng, W. Chen, and S. Shong, "Electrochemical Performance of Gas-Atomized MnNi5-based Alloy Powders," Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaoshuang, Taiwan.
- R.-J. Shih, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogenation Prperties and Electrode Characteristics of ZrMn0.6V0.2Co0.1Ni1.2 Sintered with Ag Powder," Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaoshuang, Taiwan.
- H.-S. Chen and T.-P. Perng, "Photoluminescence from Coalesced Si Quantum Dots," Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaoshuang, Taiwan.
- H.-S. Chen and T.-P. Perng, "Characteristics and Mechanism of Photoluminescence from Zero-dimensional Si Quantum Dots," Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kaoshuang, Taiwan.
- S.-R. Chung, T.-P. Perng, and S.-Shong, "Effect of Particle Size on Hydrogenation Properties of Gas-atomized Hydrogen Storage Alloys," Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Taichung, Taiwan.
- H.-S. Chen and T.-P. Perng, "Switchable Photoluminescence of Si Quantum Dots," Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science,Taichung, Taiwan.
- K.-W. Wang and T.-P. Perng, "Sintering of Surface-Modified Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Particles," Proceedings of the 2001 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science,Taichung, Taiwan.
- H.-S. Chen, J.-J. Chiu, and T.-P. Perng, "On the Photoluminescence of Si Nanoparticles," Proceedings of Nanostructured Materials Made from Self-Assembled Molecules and Particles," Goteborg, Sweden, Jan. 7-10, 2001.
- T.-P. Perng "On the Photoluminescence of Si Nanoparticles," International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, July 1-6, 2001
- S.-Y. Liu, Y.-H. Kao, Y. Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Stresses Induced by Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption in Pd Nanofilms," 2001 Gordon Research Conference on Hydrogen-Metal Systems, Connecticut, USA, July 8-13, 2001.
- S.-Y. Chang, S.-R. Chung, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Hydrogenation Properties of Nanostructured Carbon," Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Taipei , Taiwan.
- S.-R. Chung and T.P. Perng, "Electrochemical Performance of Gas-Atomized MmNi5-based Alloy Powders," International Symposium of Metal Hydrogen System, Annecy, France, Sept. 2-6, 2002.
- C.-C. Shen, S.-M. Lee, J.-C. Tang, and T.-P.Perng, "Cyclic Hydrogenation of a LmNi5-based Alloy with Different Hydrogen Loadings," International Symposium of Metal Hydrogen System, Annecy, France, Sept. 2-6, 2002.
- T.-P. Perng, "On Some Aspects of Nanoparticles," Proceedings of 2002 NRC-NSC Canada-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, pp. 15-22, London, Canada, Sept. 23-24, 2002
- P.-J. Chen and T.-P. Perng, "On Si1-xGex Nanoparticles Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation," Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan.
- H.-Y. Cheng and T.-P. Perng, "Oxygen-controlled Light Emission of Nanostructured Si," Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Y.-R. Wu, C.-T. Yeh, and T.-P. Perng, "Carbon Supported Platinum for PEMFC," Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan.
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, L.-Y. Jang, J.-F. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Compositional Inhomogeneity of Pd70Ag30 Alloy Nanoparticles," Technical Proceedings of the 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Vol. 3, 130-133, San Francisco, USA, Feb. 23-27, 2003.
- T.-P. Perng, "Visible Light Emission of Si Nanoparticles," Proceedings of Selective, Patterned and Self-assembled Growth of Nanostructures, HKUST, Hong Kong, Jan. 6-8, 2003.
- T.-P. Perng, "Photoluminescence of Si Nanparticles," International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, Crete, Greece, Aug. 30-Sept. 6, 2003.
- T.-P. Perng, "Some Research Progress in Nanostructured Materials," International Workshop on Processing and Characterization of Nanomatrials, Warsaw, Poland, Oct. 8-10, 2003.
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, L.-Y. Jang, J.-F. Lee, and T.-P. Perng, "Sintering Phenomenon of Pd70Ag30 Alloy Nanoparticles," 2003 International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, Dec. 7-12, 2003.
- K.-W. Wamg, S.-R. Chung, W.-H. Hung, and T.-P. Perng, "Desorption of Surfactant and Sintering of Surface Modified PdxNi1-x Nanoparticles," Nanotech 2004, Boston, USA, March 7-11, 2004.
- S.-R. Chung, K.-W. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Storage of Hydrogen in Carbon Nanotubes," Nanotech 2004, Boston, USA, March 7-11, 2004.
- J.-J. Chiu, W.-S. Wang, C.-C. Kei, C.-P. Cho, and T.-P. Perng, "Field emission of nanostructures of AlQ3," 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Wiesbaden, Germany, June 20-24, 2004.
- S.-R. Chung, K.-W. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Electrochemical Hydrogenation of Carbon Nanostructures," 15th World Hydrogenation Conference, Yokohama, June 27-July 2, 2004.
- R.-J. Shih, Y.Oliver, and T.-P. Perng, "Hydrogen Gas-Rechargeable Metal Hydride Electrodes for Ni-MH Battery," 15th World Hydrogenation Conference, Yokohama, June 27-July 2, 2004.
- C.-C. Shen and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Al on Cyclic Hydrogenation of an LmNi5-based Alloy with Different Hydrogen Lodings," 15th World Hydrogenation Conference, Yokohama, June 27-July 2, 2004.
- C.-C. Shen and T.-P. Perng, "Search for Ideal Metal Hydrides for PEMFC Applications," Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2004, Toronto, Canada, September 25-28, 2004.
- C.-Y. Huang, C.-Y. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Characterization of Novel CNT Bundles," International Union of Materials Research Society, International Conference in Asia-2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan Nov, 16-18, 2004.
- C.-P. Cho and T.-P. Perng, "Formation of AlQ3 Nanowires Directly from AlQ3 Nanoparticles by Heat Treatment," International Union of Materials Research Society, International Conference in Asia-2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan Nov, 16-18, 2004.
- H.-F. Kuo, S.-Y. Hong, C.-Y. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation, Microstructure Identification and Optical Properties of Nanostructured CdSe/ZnSe and CdSe/ZnSe/Ag," International Union of Materials Research Society, International Conference in Asia-2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan Nov, 16-18, 2004.
- M.-Y. Tsai, C.-M.Tu, Z.-H. Khan, C.-H. Yang, N.-H. Tai, C.-C. Chi, and T.-P. Perng, I-V Characteristics of Individual Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes," International Union of Materials Research Society, International Conference in Asia-2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan Nov, 16-18, 2004.
- C.-C. Ke, C.-T. Lie, K.-H. Kuo, J. Su, C.-N. Hsiao, and T.-P Perng, " Polystyrene Nanosphere Lithography and Fabrication of FePt Magnetic nanoparticle Arrays," Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2004.
- S.-Y. Hong and T.-P. Perng, Synthesis and Characterization of Core/Shell Structure CdSe/ZnSe Nanoparticles," Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2004.
- J.-J. Wang and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Field Emission Properties of TiO2 Nanotubes," Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2004.
- C.-A. Wu and T.-P. Perng, "On the Stability and Annealing of AlQ3 Nanoparticles," Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2004.
- K.-H. Kuo, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Controlling Factors for Fabrication of Low Defect Density Nanosphere Lithography Masks," Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2004.
- K.-W. Wang, S.-R. Chung, and T.-P. Perng, "Sintering and Surface Reconstruction of Binary Pd70Ag30 Nanoparticles," 2005 International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico, August, 2005.
- C.-C. Shen, Y.-S. Lu, C.-Y. Yu, and T.-P. Perng, "Precipitation of α2-Ti3Al in Ti-6Al-4V by Hydrogen Treatment," Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tamshui, Taiwan, 2005.
- J. C. P. Chou, S.-T. Ke, and T.-P. Perng, "Synthesis of high dispersion Platinum/multiwalled carbon nanotube catalysis," Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tamshui, Taiwan, 2005.
- R.-J. Wang, J.-J. Wang, C.-M. Chang, S.-D. Lee, C.-N. Chiao, and T.-P. Perng, "Nanosphere lithography: Fabricate metal nanoparticle array by electron beem deposition," Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tamshui, Taiwan, 2005.
- C.-C. Ke, P.-T. Cheng, D.-R. Liu, C.-T. Lee, J. Su, C.-N. Hsiao, and T.-P. Perng, "Smooth and pinhole-free Al2O3 films prepared by atomic layer deposition," Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tamshui, Taiwan, 2005.
- T.-P. Perng, " On Field Emission of Nanostructures of AlQ3," The 13th International Workshop of Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Delhi, India, Dec. 13-17, 2005.
- C. P. Cho and T. P. Perng, "Low temperature growth of crystalline AlQ3 nanowires from amorphous nanoparticles", 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Nagoya, Japan, July 11-15, 2005.
- C. P. Cho and T. P. Perng, "Field emission of nanostructured AlQ3 amorphous film and the heat treatment effect", 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Anaheim, CA, U.S.A., May 8-12, 2005.
- T.-H. Tsai and T.-P. Perng, "Synthesis and Electrochemical Characteristics of Pt/XC-72 Catalyst with Ultra-low Pt Loading for PEMFC," Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan, 2006.
- Y.-M. Peng and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Bundles," Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan, October, 2006.
- T.-Y. Chang and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Metallic Nanotubes by Using Organic nanowires as the Template," Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Tainan, Taiwan, October, 2006.
- C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Optical Properties of TiO2 Nanohoneycomb," 2007 International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic materials and Related nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2007), Nagano, Japan, June 19-22, 2007.
- C.-J. Wang, M.-Y. Tsai, C. C. Chi, and T.-P. Perng, "Surface Effects on the Photoluminescence of Si Quantum Dots," 2007 International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic materials and Related nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2007), Nagano, Japan, June 19-22, 2007.
- Y.-M. Peng, C.-Y. Su, C.-Y. Yu, M.-Y. Tsai, C.-Y. Huang, F.-H. Ho, and T.-P. Perng, "On the Elastic Modulus of Carbon Nanotube Bundles," 2007 International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic materials and Related nanotechnologies (EM-NANO 2007), Nagano, Japan, June 19-22, 2007.
- Y. S. Lu and T. P. Perng, "Spillover effect on TiO2 nanotubes by deposition of Co and Ni," Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October, 2007.
- Y. W. Yu and T. P. Perng, "Preparation and characterization of GaQ3 nanostructures," Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2007.
- C. C. Cheng, C. H. Chien, G. L. Luo, C. C. Chang, C. C. Kei, C. H. Yang, C. N. Hsiao, T. P. Perng, C. Y. Chang, "Electrical and material characterization of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 gate dielectric on ammonium sulfide treated GaAs substrates," 17th International Vacuum Congress/13th International Conference on Surface Science/ Internatinal Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, July 02-06, 2007.
- C.-C. Shen, Justin C.-P. Chou, Y.-P. Wu, and T.-P. Perng, "Effect of Interstitial Boron and Carbon on the Hydrogenation Properties of BCC Ti25V35Cr40 Alloy," 17th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
- T. P. Perng, "Synthesis of Nanohoneycomb and Nanocrystal Arrays by Nanosphere Lithography" International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, June, 2008.
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- M. Y. Tsai and T. P. Perng, Synthesis and photoluminescence of amorphous strontium germanate nanowires," The 214th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA, October 12-17, 2008.
- C. C. Wang, C. C. Kei, T. Ye, and T. P. Perng "Photoluminescence of GaQ3-Al2O3 Core-Shell Nanowires in Different Atmospheres and Temperatures," The 214th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Honolulu, HI, USA, October 12-17, 2008.
- C. C. Wang, C. C. Kei, Y. W. Yu, and T. P. Perng "Organic nanowire-templated fabrication of alumina nanotubes by atomic layer deposition," International Conference on Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 16, 2009.
- Y.-C. Hsueh, M.-Y. Tsai, C.-C. Wang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Al2O3 aided deposition of Pt nanoparticles on carbon nanotube by atomic layer deposition for application in PEMFC," 216th ECS Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 4-9, 2009.
- Y.-H. Hsieh and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation and Characterization of Pt-based Cathodic Catalyst for PEMFC," Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan, November, 2009.
- C.-C. Wang and C.-C. Kei and T.-P. Perng, "Optical Property of TiO2 Nanostructures Prepared by Organic Templated Method," Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan, November, 2009.
- C.-C. Shen, H.-J. Lee, Y.-P. Wu, and T.-P. Perng, "Degradation of Hydrogenation in Ti25V35Cr40C0.1 Alloy," Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan, November, 2009.
- Y. C. Hsueh, C. C. Wang, Y. H. Lin, C. Liu, and T. P. Perng, "Deposition of platinum catalyst with ultra-low loading on carbon nanotubes by atomic layer deposition for PEMFC," Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 2010.
- S. H. Huang, C. C. Kei, C. C. Wang, Y. C. Hsueh, and T. P. Perng, "Preparation and characterization of N-doped TiO2/CNT core-shell structure by atomic layer deposition," Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 2010.
- Y. C. Liang, C. C. Wang, C. C. Kei, Y. C. Hsueh, W. H. Cho, and T. P. Perng, "Synthesis and photocatalysis of Ag-loaded TiO2 nanotube arrays," Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November, 2010.
- H.-S. Chen, S.-H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Photoelectrochemical application of titanium oxide films prepared by spin coating," 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- V. Gurylev and T.-P. Perng, "Growth of silica and silicon nanowires by using Pt nanoparticle catalyst," 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- H.-S. Chen, S.-H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Highly transparent SiO2-TiO2 film synthesized by sol-gel process," 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- S.-H. Huang, C.-C. Kei, C.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Hsueh, and T.-P. Perng, "Ultra-small TiO2 nanoparticles formed by atomic layer deposition on carbon nanotubes for photocatalysis," 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- C.-Y. Su, C.-C. Wang, Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation of high-activity Pt-deposited ZnO/TiO2 photocatalyst by atomic layer deposition," 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- K.-I Liu, C.-C. Wang, Y.-C Hsueh1, C. C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng "Photoelectrochemical application of TiO2/WO3 film prepared by sol-gel method, " 2011 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011.
- S.-H. Huang, M.-Y. Tsai, and T.-P. Perng, "Preparation of Zn2GeO4/TiO2 Core-Shell Structure by Atomic Layer Deposition," IUMRS-ICA-2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
- C.-Y. Su, Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Kei, C.-T. Lin, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of high-activity Pt-ZnO catalysts by atomic layer deposition for photo-assisted electro-oxidation of methanol," IUMRS-ICA-2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
- Y. C. Hsueh, S.-H. Huang, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle catalysts by atomic layer deposition on Ni nano-honeycomb support for application in PEMFC," IUMRS-ICA-2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
- K.-I.Liu, Y.-C. Hsueh, S.-H. Huang, H.-S. Chen, and T.-P. Perng, "Photoelectrochemical application of Pt-deposited mesoporous TiO2/WO3," IUMRS-ICA-2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
- H. S. Chen, Y. C. Hsueh, S. H. Huang,C. C. Kei, and T. P. Perng, "Catalyst-loaded membrane Tubular nanoreactor Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition," IUMRS-ICA-2011, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 19-22, 2011.
- Y. C. Hsueh, S.-H. Huang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Pt nanoparticle catalyst by atomic layer deposition on titanium nitride nano-network support for application in PEMFC," 12th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Dresden, Germany, June 17-20, 2012.
- C.-Y. Su, Y.-C. Hsueh, C.-C. Kei, C.-T. Lin and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Pt-ZnO catalysts by UV-assisted atomic layer deposition for electro-oxidation of methanol," 12th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, Dresden, Germany, June 17-20, 2012.
- K. I. Liu, P. H. Chen, Y. C. Hsueh, H. S. Chen, and T. P. Perng, "Preparation of Photocatalytic TiO2/WO3 Hollow Fiber Using Polysulfone as Template," PRiME 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 7-12, 2012.
- S. H. Huang, C. C. Kei, and T. P. Perng, "Growth of GaAs Array Assisted-TiO2 Heterojunction nanostructure for Solar Hydrogen Production," PRiME 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 7-12, 2012. \
- W. T. Chang, Y. C. Hsueh, S. H. Huang, K. I. Liu, C. C. Kei, and T. P. Perng, "Fabrication of Doubled-walled TiO2 Nanotube Arrays and Their Optical Properties," 2012 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Yunlin, Taiwan, November, 2012.
- K. I. Liu, Y. C. Hsueh, and T. P. Perng, "Photocalysis of TiO2/WO3 Porous Hollow Fibers prepared by Sol-Gel Method," 2012 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Yunlin, Taiwan, November, 2012.
- Y.-C. Hsueh, C. Liu, C.-C.Wang, C.-C. Kei, and T.-P. Perng, "Ultralow Loading of Pt Nanoparticles Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition for High Specific Power Density PEMFC," Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 16-19, 2013.
- S.-H. Huang, Y.-C. Hsueh, B.-H. Liu, C.-Y. Su, and T.-P. Perng, "Fabrication of Pt@TiO2@CNT Hierarchical Structure Catalyst by Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of Photocatalytic Properties," 13th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, San Diego, CA, USA, July 28-31, 2013.
- C.Y. Su, Y.-C. Hsueh, S.-H. Huang, C.-C. Wang, and T.-P. Perng, "Photocatalysis and Hydrogen Generation of Zn- and Al-doped TiO2 Nanotubes Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition," 13th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, San Diego, CA, USA, July 28-31, 2013.
- W. S. Liu and T. P. Perng, "TiO2/PSF Hybrid Hollow Fibers for Photocatalysis in a Continuous Flow Nanoreactor," 2013 Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society-Taiwan, Chungli, Taiwan, October, 2013.
- 彭宗平,陳學仕,陳柏勳,郭正亮: "高熱穩定性空心中孔奈米管、製備方法與應用," 中華民國專利發明第I 439321號(201406~203112)。
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- C.-P. Chou, C.-F. Kuo, C.-C. Shen, T.-P. Perng, F.-B. Weng, A. Su, P.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Hsu:: " Fuel Cell Module Compatible with a Dry Cell " USA專利發明第US 7,485,387 B2號(201103~)。
- 沈家傑, 周哲平, 彭宗平: "具熱回饋機制之燃料電池模組" 中華民國專利發明第I 315594號(200910~)。
- 彭宗平, 馬寶民, 詹姆斯, 藍迪, 陳群: "用於可充電電池負極之AB5型稀土族過渡金屬間化合物" 中華民國專利公報第511313號(200211~)。
- 周哲平, 郭建甫,黃柏翰,簡銘萱, 柯世宗, 彭宗平: "軟式燃料電池構造" 中華民國專利發明第I329379號(200912~)。
- 翁芳柏,蘇艾,徐百禾,周泊賢,沈家傑,周哲平,彭宗平,郭建甫: "具有與乾電池相容型態之燃料電池模組" 中華民國專利發明第I329379號(201008~).
- 柯世宗, 彭宗平: "平面燃料電池組之流道板與導電層整合構造" 中華民國專利發明第I336151號(201101~)。
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