奈米有機光電元件實驗室 Nano Organic Photonics Devices Lab
健康聖經「擁抱暗黑」新書發表+清大校園景觀燈無藍害化(燭光化)成果發表 記者會
守護司馬庫斯生態 友善燭光OLED路燈啟用
催生OLED與藝術的結合 清大開創藝術新境界
司馬庫斯引進OLED 打造無藍害照明部落
清大燭光OLED商化啟動 全方位友善光源改寫人類照明史
Party for celebrating press conference
Outstanding paper posted on journal cover
Prof. Jwo-Huei Jou is in the top 1% of highly cited authors in journals of Royal Society of Chemistry.
Party for farewell and welcoming with traditional Indian food
Solar OLED
2017 Holi Celebration OLED lab
2017 Holi Celebration OLED lab
Lab Indian food lunch
2016 科普活動-香山高中演講

Lab Pizza Lunch
台彩董事長 薛香川先生來訪
飛躍的羚羊 紀政女士來訪
Group meeting with dessert
Indian Lunch by Sudhir
Functional Materials)接受刊登,前瞻功能材料期刊,以最高優先順位,對此論文進行編輯、校稿、與網上刊載,並在其材料眺望(Material
of Materials Chemistry, Organic Electronics等知名期刊,和低色溫OLED相關的paper、專利、計畫等也馬不停蹄地進行中。色溫的概念從本團隊2009年製造出色溫可調變的OLED元件時就已經被廣泛的討論,直到近幾年本團隊才了解到低色溫OLED對人類照明的重要性,本研究團隊因而傾全力去研究製造。
Physics Letters, 95, 013307, 2009),此發明為人類用電史上,第一個單一元件發光裝置,其所產生光色涵蓋太陽光,其色溫可從2,000K變化到8,000K;此照明技術,將給予人類最極致的照明品質,大幅提升照明產品之附加價值;據Nature期刊之評審觀察,此研究結果將引起攝影、心理、農業、照明等諸多領域的重視。
Publishing Group (NPG)選為Asia
Materials highlight paper;除國際媒體外,國內媒體,如自由時報、中國時報、聯合報、經濟日報、東森新聞等,皆以大篇幅報導;此發明亦已向台灣與美國、歐洲、日、韓提出專利申請。
"First candle light-style OLED
triggered by electricity
in lieu of candles invented 5,000 years"
如Physics.org報導:「Currently, no other type of lighting device is capable of producing this wide a span of sunlight-style illumination, which could make the new technology an attractive future high-quality lighting source.」(Physics.org每月有150萬人次瀏覽。)
英國ElectronicsWeekly指出:「Taiwanese researchers have made an OLED structure that can emit all the hues of sunlight, simply by changing its terminal voltage.」
NPG期刊也指出:「Organic light-emitting diode simulates daylight from all times of the day by modulating the driving voltage.」 (NPG Nature Asia-Pacific代表自然出版集團(NPG)在亞太地區出版《自然》雜誌(Nature)。)
The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)的編輯,也來函邀請,針對此一發現、發明,撰寫關於類太陽光OLED的文章。(SPIE每年舉辦超過25次的國際性技術研討會和各種短期課程及教學活動,所發表的會議文獻,反映了相應專業領域的最新進展和動態,具有極高的學術價值。)
4. OLED蒸鍍系統
歷經十多年,我們以很少的經費,逐漸建立了兩套<單腔體-多鍍源蒸鍍系統>;根據此二系統,我們得以開發九項OLED相關專利,發表五篇在Applied Physics Letters、二篇在Organic Electronics的論文,另外有六篇已投稿;所累積系統蒸鍍經驗也使我們獲得<有機電致發光元件熱蒸鍍機台>日本專利(No. 3081421 );我們也利用這樣的設備與經驗,協助擅長新穎發光分子合成的學者與業界,探討新材料作為高效能WOLED的潛力特性;對我國發展OLED相關光電科技與產業,或有所助益。
5. WOLED元件結構
2002年,首次發表當時效率紀錄世界最高之多發光層白色有機發光二極體 (Applied Physics Letters, 80 (15): 2782-2784 APR 15 2002),所發表此篇論文,至今被引用100次;2005年,發表目前效率紀錄世界最高之單發光層純白螢光有機發光二極體(Organic Electronics, 7, 8-15 2006),此新元件結構亦使所得白光光色非常安定;在使用兼具發光客體特性與助主體功能分子於發光層時,在可應用亮度下,獲致發光效率為16 lm/W的白色螢光有機發光二極體,最大亮度為56,000流明;此新元件結構所得效果接近Forrest(Princeton)所發表的白色磷光有機發光二極體,其最大效率為26 lm/W,在100流明時為14 lm/W,在10,000流明時為3 lm/W,我們的螢光型白色有機發光二極體,在10,000流明時為7 lm/W。2006年,我們發表長壽命之WOLED,經用創新元件結構,壽命可提升5倍(Applied Physics Letters 89, 243521)。
6. WOLED製程
我們新近發明了兩項WOLED製程方法,先後獲得校方審查通過,著手申請我國及美國的專利中,其一為<白光有機電致發光二極體及製造方法>,另一為<新式有機電激發光製造方式>;前項發明,使得WOLED可以利用濕式製程製作主要發光層,突破柯達OLED關鍵專利與英國CDT之PLED關鍵專利的保護,讓小分子系白光元件得以利用濕式製程大面積與成捲式製造,所發表論文(Applied Physics Letters 87 (4) 043508)如審查委員所評論:“Such a device structure would get around certain limiting patent coverage, and if for that reason alone this paper should be published.”;後項發明,使得WOLED之主要發光層可以利用蒸鍍以取代共蒸鍍製作,高效率、多波段、高演色性、高色安定性WOLEDs,因此可以精準快速研製而成,有助於更亮、更高效率WOLEDs之研究進展;我們也願意提供這樣的技術與經驗,協助有興趣研究高效率、高亮度WOLED的學者與業界,讓我國OLED相關光電科技與產業的發展更加快速。
7. OLED封裝
8. Flexible WOLED
相較於硬式,可撓式OLED 或WOLED亮度很差效率不佳。最近,我們利用薄層介電材料改質高Tg高分子基材表面,再以較高溫鍍製透明導電氧化物,順利製出發光效率為7lm/W最大亮度為14,000流明的可撓式純白WOLED,較韓國新近發表6.7 lm/W偏黃之WOLED為佳;希望可以結合國內的學界者,共同合作,使後續的研究可以更快更上層樓。
台美學者共同呼籲 好光抗癌顧健康
Taiwan-US researchers call: right lights save life
蘋果日報 |
Yahoo奇摩新聞 |
好光抗癌顧健康 台美學者共同呼籲「用對光」
風傳媒 |
用好光抗病抗癌顧健康 台美產學攜手OLED研究
台灣數位新聞網 |
亞傳媒 |
台美學者共同呼籲 好光抗癌顧健康
民生網 |
台美學者共同呼籲 好光抗癌顧健康
勁報 |
民眾日報 |
用對光顧健康 台美產學攜手研發「好光」
台灣竹塹電子報 |
蕃薯藤 |
台灣好新聞 |
抗病抗癌顧健康 台美學者呼籲用對好光
LIFE生活網 |
好光抗癌顧健康 台美學者共同呼籲「用對光」
指傳媒 |
台美學者共同呼籲 好光抗癌顧健康
中央社 |
擬燭光節能無煙火 清大展成果
http://www.cna.com.tw/News/aEDU/201212280161-1.aspx |
聯合報 |
http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=432879 |
中國時報 |
http://news.chinatimes.com/society/11051301/112012 122900190.html |
鉅享網 |
http://www.cnyes.com/life/Contents/20121228/ kfolia0hci11s.shtml |
蕃薯藤新聞 |
http://n.yam.com/taiwanhot/place/20121229/201212 29100459.html |
華視新聞 |
「擬燭光」OLED 點亮產業鏈
http://news.cts.com.tw/udn/money/201301/2013 01021172073.html |
中央社 |
攸關健康 立委籲照明規格立法
http://www.cna.com.tw/News/aIPL/201205180236.aspx |
數位網路報 |
黃昭順:為健康把關 促進LED發展
http://hanreporter.blogspot.com/2012/05/led.html |
新網報 |
新照明時代來臨 照明規格標準應配合身體健康
http://newnet.tw/Newsletter/Comment.aspx?Iinfo=5&iNumber=4169 |
中央日報 |
攸關健康 立委籲照明規格立法
http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=108&docid=101912694 |
新唐人電視 |
攸關健康 立委籲照明規格立法
http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/18/a703181.html |
年4月5日於清大召開的「超低色溫OLED光源」技術發表會,突顯了國際上對現代用電照明的「無知」與「盲點」;而清大周卓煇教授研究團隊的發現與發明,正可以「照亮」這個「盲點」,一併改寫照明的規格,以使「日夜有別」、「生理有序」;預料這一發明,將帶給全球照明甚至光學醫療等等研究重大影響之外,此一「生理友善」、「環境友善」並且節能的燈具產品,亦將給台灣帶來無限的商機與國際形象。自由 |
全球首創低色溫光源 「照」護健康
http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2012/new/apr/6/today-life3.htm?Slots=Life |
Taiwan News |
拒光害 清大研發超低色溫光源
http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/etn/news_content.php?id=1886704 |
中廣 |
拒光害 清大研發超低色溫光源
http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=348958 |
Udn |
清大:超低色溫光 降低罹癌風險
http://udn.com/NEWS/HEALTH/HEA1/7010158.shtml |
ET Today |
清大首創超低色溫光 可降罹癌風險
http://www.ettoday.net/news/20120406/37080.htm |
中時 |
http://life.chinatimes.com/life/11051801/112012040600046.html |
OLED-Info |
NTHU developed the world's lowest color
temperature OLED
http://www.oled-info.com/nthu-developed-worlds-lowest-color-temperature-oled |
Focus Taiwan |
Eco-friendly lighting unveiled in hope of
cutting cancer risk
http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aECO&ID=201204050033 |
Physorg.com |
OLED Tunes its Colors for Sunlight-Style Illumination http://www.physorg.com/news166945490.html |
Eletronicsweekly |
Voltage tunes OLED across all sunlight hues
http://www.electronicsweekly.com/Articles |
Sunlight-like organic LED brings natural illumination indoors http://spie.org/x37818.xml?highlight=x2408&ArticleID=x37818 |
Organic electronics: Tuned sunlight http://www.natureasia.com/asia-materials/highlight.php?id=527 |
OLEDinfo.com |
Scientists create OLED lighting panels that can change color temperature to match sun-light throughout the day http://www.oled-info.com/scientists-create-oled-lighting-panels-can-change-color-temperature-match-sun-light-throughout-day |
Aquascaperz |
New tunable sunlight-style OLED lighting developed http://www.aquascaperz.com/2009/07/new-tunable-sunlight-style-oled-lighting-developed/ |
Nownews |
山寨版陽光?清大研發類太陽光 商機千億 http://www.nownews.com/2009/07/16/11490-2479198.htm |
Udn |
全球第一 清大發表自然光OLED http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=203774 |
歡迎邀請 周卓煇教授 至您的單位進行演講!
◎個案一 Titanic
◎個案二 Challenger
◎個案三 電動機車(超越五千億的商機)
◎個案四 美女員工
◎個案五 600億或6億的LED官司
◎個案六 OLED的故事(你如何面對三千張股票的見面禮)
1 |
Patent 9803811 B2 核准日期:2017/10/31 發明人:周卓煇、何哲凱 發明項目:Method For Producing High-Quality Light |
2 |
專利號碼:中華民國專利 I565905 核准日期:2017/01/11 發明人:周卓煇、何哲凱 發明項目:高品質光源的組合方法 |
3 |
專利號碼:中華民國專利 I496327 核准日期:2015/08/11 發明人:周卓煇、謝濬宇 發明項目:類燭光有機發光二極體 |
4 |
專利號碼:CN 103811670B 核准日期:2016/01/20 發明人:周卓煇、謝濬宇 發明項目:類燭光有機發光二極體 |
5 |
專利號碼:US Patent 8692242B1 核准日期:2014/04/08 發明人:周卓煇、謝濬宇 發明項目:Candlelight-like Light Organic Linght-Emitting Device |
與光磊、國科會精儀中心、工研院電子所、工研院材料所、工研院化工所以及經濟部等,共同研究開發多項專利 :
1 |
I401063 |
2 |
I401827 |
3 |
I397201 |
4 |
I393479 |
5 |
Patent 8368061 |
6 |
Patent 8334531 |
7 |
Patent 8222806 |
8 |
Patent 8216634 |
9 |
Patent 8188490 |
10 |
1149703 |
11 |
Patent 7901962 B1 |
12 |
M396138 |
13 |
M393432 |
14 |
M393433 |
15 |
I333393 |
16 |
M391627 |
17 |
M380448 |
18 |
I311031 |
19 |
Patent 7453200 |
20 |
ZL200410091172.0 |
21 |
I293234 |
22 |
I285061 |
23 |
I251950 |
24 |
Patent 6933522 |
25 |
I236174 |
26 |
Patent 6767818 |
27 |
201 06 283.6 |
28 |
Patent 6537854 |
29 |
2003272836A |
30 |
Patent 6365500 |
31 |
Patent 6762554 |
32 |
120488 |
33 |
Patent 6084301 |
34 |
3081421 |
35 |
108899 |
36 |
Patent 5707902 |
37 |
Patent 5393697 |
- 期刊論文
1 |
J. H. Jou, Y. X. Lin, S. H. Peng, C. J. Li, Y. M. Yang, C. L. Chin, J. J. Shyue, S. S. Sun, M. Lee, C. T. Chen, M. C. Liu, C. C. Chen, G. Y. Chen, J. H. Wu, C. H. Li, C. F. Sung, M. J. Lee, and J. P. Hu “Highly Efficient Yellow Organic Light Emitting Diode with a Novel Wet- and Dry-Process Feasible Iridium Complex Emitter” Advanced Functional Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201302013, 2013 |
2 |
J. H. Jou, H. H. Yu, Y. X. Lin, J. R. Tseng, S. H. Peng, Y. C. Jou, C. H. Lin, S. M. Shen, C. Y. Hsieh, M. K. Wei, D. H. Lin, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, F. C. Tung, S. H. Chen, and Y. S. Wang “High Efficiency Yellow Organic Light Emitting Diodes with A Balanced Carrier Injection Co-host Structure” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013 |
3 |
C. T. Chen, W. S. Chao, H. W. Liu, Y. Wei, J. H. Jou, and S. Kumar
Configured Cis-Stilbene/Fluorene Hybrids as
Ambipolar, Fluorescent Materials for Organic
Light Emitting Diode Applications” |
4 |
J. H. Jou, C. J. Li, S. M. Shen, S. H. Peng, Y. L. Chen, Y. C. Jou, J. H. Hong, C. L. Chin, J. J. Shyue, S. P. Chen, J. Y. Li, P. H. Wang, and C. C. Chen
Efficient Green Organic Light Emitting Diode
with a Novel Solution Processable Iridium
Complex Emitter” |
5 |
D. Kumar, K. R. Justin Thomas, C. C. Lin,
and J. H. Jou
Chemistry - an Asian Journal, DOI:10.1002/asia.201300271, 2013 |
6 |
D. Kumar, K. R. Justin Thomas, Y. L. Chen, Y. C. Jou and J. H. Jou “Synthesis, Optical Properties and Blue Electroluminescence of Fluorene Derivatives Containing Multiple Imidazoles Bearing Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons” Tetrahedron 69, 2594-2602, 2013 |
7 |
J. H. Jou, S. H. Peng, C. I. Chiang, Y. L.
Chen, Y. X. Lin,
Y. C. Jou, C. J. Li, C. H. Chen, W. B. Wang, S. M. Shen, S. Z. Chen, M. K. Wei, Y. S. Sun, H. W. Hung, M. C. Liu, and Y. P. Lin “High Efficiency Yellow Organic Light-emitting Diode with a Solution-processed Molecular Host-based Emissive Layer” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1, 1680-1686, 2013 |
8 |
J. H. Jou, C. Y. Hsieh, J. R. Tseng, S. H.
Peng, Y. C. Jou,
J. H. Hong, S. M. Shen, M. C. Tang, P. C. Chen, and C. H. Lin “Candle Light-style OLED” Advanced Functional Materials, 2013 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201203209 |
9 |
D. Mazetyte, G. Krucaite, J. V.
Grazulevicius, C. I. Chiang,
F. C. Yang, J. H. Jou, and S. Grigalevicius “Carbazole- and Phenylindole-based New Host Materials for Phosphorescent Organic Light Emitting Diodes” Optical Materials 35, 604-608, 2013 |
1 |
D. Mazetyte, G. Krucaite, J. Simokaitiene,
J. V. Grazulevicius,
C. I. Chiang, F. C. Yang, J.H. Jou, and S. Grigalevicius “Polyether Containing N-[6-(N-carbazolyl)hexyl]carbazol-3-yl Side Chains and Its Model Compound as Components of Organic Light Emitting Diodes” Synthetic Metals 162, 1898-1902, 2012 |
2 |
J. H. Jou, C. H. Chen, J. R. Tseng, S. H.
Peng, P. W. Chen,
C. I. Chiang, Y. C. Jou, J. H. Hong, C. C. Wang, C. C. Chen, F. C. Tung, S. H. Chen, Y. S. Wang, and C. L. Chin “Using Light-emitting Dyes as Co-host to Markedly Improve Efficiency Roll-off in Phosphorescent Yellow Organic Light Emitting Diodes” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1, 394-400, 2013 |
3 |
S. Z. Chen, S. H. Peng, T. Y. Ting, P. S.
Wu, C. H. Lin,
C. Y. Chang, J. J. Shyue, and J. H. Jou “Organic Light-emitting Diodes with Direct Contact-printed Red, Green, Blue and White Light-emitting Layers” Applied Physics Letters 101, 153304, 2012 |
4 |
J. H. Jou, P. W. Chen, Y. C. Jou, Y. L.
Chen, J. R. Tseng,
P. Joers, R. Z. Wu, C. Y. Hsieh, Y. S. Hsieh, S. H. Chen, Y. S. Wang, F. C. Tung, C. C. Chen and C. C. Wang “OLEDs with Chromaticity Tunable between Dusk-hue and Candle-light” Organic Electronics 14, 47-54, 2012 |
5 |
G. Krucaite, R. Griniene, D. Mazetyte, G.
J. V. Grazulevicius, Y. C. Hsieh, Y. L. Chen, J. H. Jou and S. Grigalevicius “3-Aryl Substituted 9-Alkylcarbazoles as Tailored Building Blocks for Hole Transporting Materials of OLEDs” Synthetic Metals 162, 1079-1083, 2012 |
6 |
J. H. Jou, J. R. Tseng, K. Y. Tseng, W. B.
Wang, Y. C. Jou,
S. M. Shen, Y. L. Chen, W. Y. Hung, S. Z. Chen, T. Y. Ding and H. C. Wang “High-efficiency Host Free Deep-blue Organic Light-emitting Diode with Double Carrier Regulating Layers” Organic Electronics 13, 2893-2897, 2012 |
7 |
J. H. Jou,* Y. L. Chen, J. R. Tseng, R. Z.
Wu, J. J. Shyue, K. R. Justin Thomas, N.
Kapoor, C. T. Chen, Y. P. Lin, P. H. Wang,
H. W. Hung, J. Y. Li, and S. P. Chen
"The use of a polarity matching and high-energy exciton generating host in fabricating efficient purplish-blue OLEDs from a sky-blue emitter" Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 15500-15506, 2012 |
8 |
K. R. Justin Thomas, N. Kapoor, M. N. K.
Prasad Bolisetty, J. H.
Jou; Y. L. Chen, Y. C. Jou “Pyrene-Fluorene Hybrids Containing Acetylene Linkage as Color-Tunable Emitting Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes” Journal of Organic Chemistry 77, 3921-3932, 2012 |
9 |
J. H. Jou, P. C. Chen, M. C. Tang, Y. S.
Wang, C. H. Lin, S. H.
Chen, C. C. Chen, C. C. Wang, and C. T. Chen “Organic light-emitting diodes with roll-up character” Journal of Photonics for Energy 2, 021208, 2012 |
10 |
J. H. Jou,* H. C. Wang, S. M. Shen, S. H.
Peng, M. H. Wu, S. H.
Chen and P. H. Wu “Highly efficient color-temperature tunable organic light-emitting diodes” Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 8117-8120, 2012 |
11 |
J. H. Jou,* M. C. Tang, P. C. Chen, Y. S.
Wang, S. M. Shen, B. R. Chen, C. H. Lin, S.
H. Chen, C. T. Chen,* F. Y. Tsai, C. W.
Wang, C. C. Chen, C. C. Wang
“Organic light-emitting diode-based physiologically-friendly night light organic electronics” Organic Electronics 13, 1349-1355, 2012 |
12 |
J. H. Jou,* P. Y. Hwang, W. B. Wang, C. W.
Lin, Y. C. Jou, Y. L. Chen, J. J. Shyue, S.
M. Shen, S. Z. Chen
"High-efficiency low color temperature organic light emitting diodes with solution-processed emissive layer" Organic Electronics 13, 899-904, 2012 |
13 |
R. Griniene, J. V. Grazulevicius, K. Y.
Tseng, W. B. Wang, J. H.
Jou, and S. Grigalevicius “Highly efficient color-temperature tunable organic light emitting diodes” Journal Materials Chemistry 22, 8117-8120, 2012 |
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C.-L. Cherng and J.-H Jou, 1997 "Dielectric Properties of Vapor Deposition Polymerized Polyimide Films" Chinese Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 29(4), p261-267 |
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J.-H. Jou, J.-Y. Lu, Y.-S. Huang, and W.-P. Chang, 2000 "Nonlinear Optical Polyimide Film by Vapor Deposition Polymerization" Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 32(4), P186-90 |
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G.-S. Chen, S.-C. Huang, S.-T. Chen, T.-J. Yang, P.-Y. Lee, and J.-H. Jou, 2000 "An Optimal Quasi-superlattice Design to Further Improve Thermal Stability of Tantalum Nitride Diffusion Barrier"Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 76(20), p2895-2897 |
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S.-M. Chang, J.-H. Jou, A. Hsieh, T.H. Chen, and J.-N. Jao, 2001 "Internal Stress and Connection Resistance Correlation Study of Micro-Bump Bonding" IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technology. Vol. 24(3), p493-499 |
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S.-M. Chang, J.-H. Jou, A. Hsieh, T.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Chang, Y.-H. Wang, and C.-M. Huang, 2001 "Characteristic Study of Anisotropic-conductive-Film for Chip-on-Film Packing" Microelectronics Reliability. Vol. 41, p2001-2009 |
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Y.-S. Huang, J.-H. Jou, W.-K. Weng, and J.-M. Liu, 2002 "High-Efficiency White Organic Light-Emitting Devices with Dual Doped Structure" Applied Physics Letters, 80(15), p2782-2784 |
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J. H. Jou, M. C. Sun, H. H. Chou, C. H. Li, 2005."White organic light-emitting devices with a solution-processed and molecular host-employed emission layer" Applied Physics Letters, 87 (4), 043508, 2005 |
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M. C. Sun, J. H. Jou, W. K. Weng, Y. S. Huang, 2005 "Enhancing the Performance of Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Selective Thermal Treatment" Thin Solid Films. 491 (1-2), 260-263, 2005 |
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J. H. Jou, Y. S. Chiu, R. Y. Wang, H. C. Hu, C. P. Wang, H. W. Lin, "Efficient, color-stable flourescent white Organic light- emitting diodes with an effective exciton-confing device architecture"Organic Electronics, 7, 8, 2006 |
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J. H. Jou, M. C. Sun, H. H. Chou, C. H. Li, 2006 "Efficient Pure- White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with a Solution-Processed, Binary-Host Employing Single Emission Layer" Applied Physics Letters, 88, 141101, 2006 |
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J. H. Jou, C. P. Wang, Y. S. Chiu, R. Y. Wang, and H. C. Hu, 2006 "Efficient, Color-stable Fluorescent White Organic Light- Emitting Diodes with Single Emission Layer by Vapor- deposition from Solvent Premixed Deposition Source" Applied Physics Letters, 88, 193501, 2006 |
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Y. C. Tsai and J. H. Jou "Long-Lifetime, High-Efficiency White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Mixed-Host Composing Double Emission Layers" Applied Physics Letters, 89, 243521, 2006 |
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J. H. Jou, C. P. Wang, H. W. Lin, M. H. Wu, H. C. Li, and R. S. Liu, "Efficient Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Blue-Green Host of Di(4-fluorphenyl)amino-di(styrl)biphenyl" Organic Electronics, 8, 29, 2007 |
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J. H. Jou, Y. S. Chiu, H. C. Hu, R. Y. Wang, P. H. Chiang and C. P. Wang "Efficient Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diode using Co-Host/guest Dual Role Possessed Di(triphenyl- amine)- 1,4-divinyl-naphthalene" Organic Electronics, 8, 735, 2007 |
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J. H. Jou, P. H. Chiang, Y. P. Lin, C. Y. Chang, and C. L. Lai, 2006 "Hole-Transporting-Layer-Free High Efficiency Fluorescent Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes" Applied Physics Letters,91, 043504, 2007 |
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J. H. Jou, C J. Wang, Y. P. Lin, Y. C. Chung, P. H. Chiang, C. P. Wang, M. H. Wu, and C. L. Lai, 2006 "An Efficient, Color-Stable Fluorescent Pure-White Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Device Architecture Preventing Excessive Exciton Formation on Guest" Applied Physics Letters, 92, 223504, 2008 |
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J. H. Jou, C. C. Chen, Y. C. Chung, C. H. Wu, S. M. Shen, M. S. Wu, C. P. Wang, M. F. Hsu, J. J. Shyue, 2007 "Nano-Dot- Enhanced High-Efficiency Pure-White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Mixed-Host Structure" Advanced Functional Materials, 18, 121, 2008 |
60 |
Y. Y. Chen, B. Y. Yu, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, W. C. Lin, Y. C. Lin, J. H. Jou , and J. J. Shyue “X-ray photoelectron spectrometry depth profiling of organic thin films using C-60 sputtering” Analytical Chemistry, 80, 501, 2008 |
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B. Y. Yu, Y. Y. Chen, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, S. P. Tsa, W. C. Lin, Y. C. Lin, J. H. Jou, C. W. Chu and J. J. Shyue “Depth Profiling of Organic Films with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Using C60+ and Ar+ Co-sputtering” Analytical Chemistry, 80(9), 3412, 2008 |
62 |
J. H. Jou, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, C. P. Liu, Z. C. Wong, J. J. Shyue, and C. C. Chiang “Small Polymeric Nano-Dot Enhanced Pure-White Organic Light Emitting Diode” Organic Electronics, 9, 291, 2008 |
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J. H. Jou, Y. P. Lin, M. F. Hsu, M. H. Wu, and P. Lu “High Efficiency Deep-Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode with a Blue Dye in Low-Polarity Host” Applied Physics Letters, 92, 193314, 2008 |
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J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, C. C. Chen, M. H. Wu, M. F. Hsu, S. M. Shen, Y. C. Chung, J. J. Shyue “High-efficiency Phosphorescent and Fluorescent Pure-White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Incorporating Small Nano-Dot in Non-emissive Layer” IEICE TRANS. ELECTRON., VOL.E91-C, NO.10 OCTOBER 2008 |
65 |
Jwo-Huei Jou, Ming-Husan Wu, Shih-Ming Shen, Hsi-Ching Wang, Sun-Zen Chen, Szu-Hao Chen, Chuen-Ren Lin and Yueh- Lin Hsieh “Sunlight-Style Color-Temperature Tunable Organic Light-Emitting Diode” Applied Physics Letters, 95, 0133072009 |
66 |
J. H. Jou, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, C. L. Chin, S. Z. Chen, C. T. Chen, Y. C. Chung, C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, C. J. Wang, S. M. Shen, M. H. Wu, W. C. Chang, W. C. Chen, and H. Y. Chen “Solution Processible High Molecule Trifluoromethyl-Iridium- Complex for High-Efficiency Green Organic Light-Emitting Diode” Chemistry of Materials, 21 , 2565, 2009 |
67 |
W. C. Lin, W. B. Wang, Y. U. Lin, B. Y. Yu, Y. Y. Chen, M. F. Hsu, J. H. Jou, J. J. Shyue “ Migration of small molecules during thedegradation of organic light-emitting diodes " Chemistry ofMaterials, 21, 2565, 2009 |
68 |
W. C. Lin, Y. U. Lin, W. B. Wang, B. Y. Yu, S. Lida, M. Tozu, M. F. Hsu, J. H. Jou, J. J. Shyue “Effect of fabrication process on the microstructure and the efficiency of organic light-emitting diode” Organic Electronics, 10, 459, 2009 |
69 | J. H. Jou, S. M. Shen, S. H. Chen, M. H. Wu, W. B. Wang, H. C. Wang, C. R. Lin, Y. C. Jou, and P. S. Wu “ Highly efficient orange-red phosphorescent organic light-emitting diode using 2,7-bis (carbazo-9-yl)-9,9-ditolyfluorene as the host” Applied Physics Letters, 96, 143306, 2010 |
70 |
R. Paspirgelyte, R. Zostautiene, G. Buika, J. V. Grazulevicius, S. Grigalevicius, V. Jankauskas, C. C. Chen , Y. C. Chung, W. B. Wang, and J. H. Jou “Indole and phenylenediamine based enamines as amorphous hole-transporting materials” Synthetic Metals, 160, 162, 2010 |
71 |
B.Y. Yu, W.C. Lin, W.B. Wang, S. Iida, S.Z. Chen, C.Y. Liu, C.H. Kuo, S.H. Lee, W.L. Kao, G.J. Yen, Y.W. You, C.P. Liu, J.H. Jou, and J.J. Shyue “Effect of Fabrication Parameters on Three- Dimensional Nanostructures of Bulk Heterojunctions Imaged by High-Resolution Scanning ToF-SIMS” ACS Nano, 4, 833-840, 2010 |
72 |
Lee, C.H. Kuo, W.L. Kao, Y.W. You, C.P. Liu, H.Y. Chang, J.H. Jou, J.J. Shyue “Effect of Fabrication Parameters on Three-Dimensional Nanostructures and Device Efficiency of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes” ACS Nano, 4, 2547-2554, 2010 |
73 |
J. H. Jou, C. P. Wang, M. H. Wu, H. W. Lin,
H. C. Pan and B. H.
Lin “High-Efficiency Flexible White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 6626-6629, 2010 |
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J.H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, J. J.
Shyue, C. H. Chiu, I. M.
Lai, S. Z. Chen, P. S. Wu, C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, and S. M. Shen "Extraordinarily High Efficiency Improvement for OLEDs with High Surface-Charge Polymeric Nanodots" ACS Nano, 4, 4054-4060, 2010 |
75 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, C. T.
Chen, S. Z. Chen, C. J.
Wang, M. F. Wu, S. W. Liu, C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, Y. C. Tsai, S. M. Shen, M. H. Wu "High-Efficiency Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using a 3,5 di(9H-carbazol-9-yl)tetraphenylsilane Host via Solution-Process" Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 8411-8416, 2010 |
76 |
R. Zostautiene, J. V. Grazulevicius, S.
Grigalevicius, Y. M. Lai,
W. B. Wang, J. H. Jou “Polyethers containing 2-phenylindol-1-yl moieties as host materials for light emitting diodes” Synthetic Metals, 160, 1793-1796, 2010 |
77 |
J. H. Jou, P. H. Wu, C. H. Lin, M. H. Wu, Y.
C. Chou, H. C. Wang
and S. M. Shen “Highly efficient orange-red organic light-emitting diode using double emissive layers with stepwise energy-level architecture” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 8464, 2010 |
78 |
(Invited) J. H. Jou, S. M. Shen, M. H. Wu,
S. H. Peng, and H. C.
Wang “Sunlight-Style Organic Light-Emitting Diodes” Journal of Photonics for Energy, 1, 1-7, 2011 |
79 |
R. Zostautiene, J. V. Grazulevicius, Y. M.
Lai, W. B. Wang, J. H.
Jou, and S. Grigalevicius “Diphenylsilanes containing electronically isolated carbazolyl fragments as host materials for light emitting diodes” Synthetic Metals, 161, 92-95, 2011 |
80 |
J. H. Jou, C.P. Liu, W. B. Wang, C. W. Lin,
W. C. Lin, C. Y. Liu,
C. H. Kuo, S. H. Lee, W. L. Kao, G.. J. Yen, Y. W. You, H. Y. Chang, and J. J. Shyue “Molecular migration behaviors in organic light-emitting diodes with different host structures” Organic Electronics, 12, 376-382, 2011 |
81 |
B.Y. Yu, C.H. Kuo, W. B. Wang, G. J. Yen, S.
I. Iida, S. Z. Chen,
W. C. Lin, S. H. Lee, W. L. Kao, C. Y. Liu, H. Y. Chang, Y. W. You, C. J. Chang, C. P. Liu, J. H. Jou, and J. J. Shyue “ToF-SIMS imaging of the nanoscale phase separation in polymeric light emitting diodes: Effect of nanostructure on device efficiency” Analyst, 136, 716-723, 2011 |
82 |
J. H. Jou, S. M. Shen, C. R. Lin, Y. S.
Wang, Y. C. Chou, S. Z.
Chen, and Y. C. Jou “Very High Color Rendering Index Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Double White Emission Layers” Organic Electronics, 12, 865-868, 2011 |
83 |
R. Zostautiene, G. Krucaite, J.
Simokaitiene, J. V. Grazulevicius,
Y. M. Lai, W. B. Wang, J. H. Jou and S. Grigalevicius, “Branched diphenylsilane derivatives containing electronically isolated indolyl moieties as host materials for blue organic light emitting diodes” Dyes and Pigments, 91, 177-181, 2011 |
84 |
“One-step Fabrication of pi-Conjugated Polymer Thin Films from Naphthalenes via Plasma Polymerization for Efficient Optoelectronic Devices: White Polymer Light-emitting Diodes” Plasma Processes and Polymers, 8, 215-223, 2011 |
85 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang,
S. M. Shen,
S. Kumar, Y. M. Lai, J. J.
Shyue, S. Lengvinaite, R. Zostautiene, J. V. Grazulevicius, S. Grigalevicius, S. Z. Chen, and C. C. Wu "Highly Efficient Blue Organic Light Emitting Diode with an Oligomeric Host Having High Triplet-Energy and High Electron Mobility" Journal Materials Chemistry, 21, 9546-9552, 2011 |
86 |
H. Jou, S. M. Shen, and Y. C. Tsai
“Pure White Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Lifetime Approaching the Longevity of Yellow Emitter ”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 3, 3134-3139, 2011 |
87 |
J. H. Jou, Y. S. Wang, C. H. Lin, S. M.
Shen, P. C. Chen, M. C.
Tang, Y. Wei, F. Y. Tsai, and C. T. Chen “Nearly Non-Roll-off High Efficiency Fluorescent Yellow Organic Light-Emitting Diodes” Journal Materials Chemistry, 21, 12613-12618, 2011 |
88 |
J. H. Jou* , S. H. Chen , S. M. Shen , Y. C.
Jou , C. H. Lin , S. H .
Peng , S. P. Hsia , C. W. Wang , C. C. Chen, and C. C. Wang “High efficiency low color-temperature organic light-emitting diodes with a blend interlayer” Journal Materials Chemistry, 21, 17850-17854, 2011 |
89 |
R. Griniene, J. V. Grazulevicius, K. Y.
Tseng, W. B. Wang, J. H.
Jou, and S. Grigalevicius “Aryl substituted9-(2,2-diphenylvinyl)carbazoles as efficient materials for hole transporting layers of OLEDs” Synthetic Metals, 161, 2466-2470, 2011 |
90 |
J. H. Jou*, Y. C. Chou, M. H. Wu,
C. R. Lin, P. S. Wu, S. M. Shen,
and S. H. Chen “High-Efficiency, Very-High Color Rendering Index White OrganicLight-Emitting Diode with a High Triplet Interlayer” Journal Materials Chemistry., 21 , 18523-18526, 2011 |
91 |
J. H. Jou, H. C. Wang, M. H. Wu, S. H. Chen,
S. M. Shen, and P.
H. Wu “Aryl substituted9-(2,2-diphenylvinyl)carbazoles as efficient materials for hole transporting layers of OLEDs” Synthetic Metals. 161, 2466-2470, 2011 |
92 |
J. H. Jou, M. C. Tang, P. C. Chen, S. H.
Chen, S. M. Shen, C. C.
Chen, C. C. Wang and C. T. Chen “(Invited) Very low color-temperature Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for lighting at night” Proceedings of SPIE. 8312, Article Number: 83120D DOI: 10.1117/12.902714, 2011 |
1 |
G..-C. Summerfield, J.-E. Anderson, J.-H. Jou, and R. Ullman, 1987 "Small Angle Neutron Scattering Measurement of Small Diffusion Coefficients" Polymer Preprints, Vol. 28, p329 |
2 |
J.-H. Jou, S.-Y. Lee, and S. Wang, 1988 "Knowledge-Based Stress Analysis of Multilayer Structures Using Processing Information" 1988 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, p383 |
3 |
J.-H. Jou, 1989 "Stress in Copper-Polymer-Silicon Trilayer Structure" Proc. of 1989 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. p559 |
4 |
P. Huang, and J.-H. Jou, 1989 "Wide-Angle X-ray Diffraction on Polyimide Film Orientation" Proc. of 1989 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. p599 |
5 |
J.-M. Jou, H.-C. Chen, and J.-H. Jou, 1989 "Stress Analysis of Silicon/Hafnium Diboride/Silicon Nitride/Silicon Carbide Thin Film Device" Proc. of 1989 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. p743 |
6 |
J.-H. Jou, P. Huang, and L. Chang, 1989 "Compatibility Study of Polyimide Molecular Composites" Proc. of the 12th ROC Polymer Symposium p658 |
7 |
J.-M. Jou, and J.-H. Jou, 1989 "Analysis of Internal Stresses and Curvature Radius in Multilayer Structures-Consideration of Processing Condition and Temperature Function" Proc. of 6th Natl. Conf. of Chinese Soc. of Mech. Eng. p849 |
8 |
J.-H. Jou, J. Huang, and D. C. Hofer, 1989 "Stress in Copper- Polyimide-Silicon Trilayer Structure" First Pacific Polymer Conference, Maui, Hawaii p199 |
9 |
J.-H. Jou, P. Huang, and L. Chang, 1989 "X-Ray Diffraction Study of Polyimide Molecular Composites Compatibility" First Pacific Polymer Conference, Maui, Hawaii p291 |
10 |
J.-H. Jou, L.Hsu, S. Yeh and T. Shyy, 1990 "Stress in Magnetro Sputtered SiC Thin Films" Proc. 1990 Chinese Soc. Mater. Sci. Annual Meeting, p481 |
11 |
J.-H. Jou, C.-H. Liu J.-M. Liu and J.-S. King, 1990 "Stress Characteristic Study on Films of Polyimide Molecular Composites" Proc. 1990 Chinese Soc. Mater. Sci. Annual Meeting, p992 |
12 |
J.-H. Jou and H.-C. Chen, 1990 "Stress Relaxation in Metal/Polyimide Layered Thin Films" Proc. 1990 Chinese Soc. Mater. Sci. Annual Meeting, p1026 |
13 |
J.-H. Jou, P.-T Huang and C.-N. Liao, 1990 "Effect of Coating Thickness on Thermal Expansion and Orientation Properties of Polyimide Film" Proc. 1990 Chinese Soc. Mater. Sci. Annual Meeting, p1030 |
14 |
J.-H. Jou and W.-P Shen, 1990 "Study of Anti-Corrosion Coatings Selection Expert System" Proc. 1990 Chinese Soc. Mater. Sci. Annual Meeting, p1253 |
15 |
周卓煇 劉純宏 劉仲明 林德嘉 金進興, 1990 "聚亞醯胺分子複合 物之接著特性研究" Proc. of the 13th ROC Polymer Symposium, p60 |
16 |
周卓煇 黃培特, 1990 "亞醯胺化程度對聚亞醯胺薄膜結構與性質 之影響" Proc. of the 13th ROC Polymer Symposium, p481 |
17 |
D. C. Hofer and J.-H. Jou, 1991 "An Analytical Model for/and Measurement of Stress in Thin Film Layers of Polyimide/Cu Structures" MRS Conference, Anneihein, California |
18 |
J.-H. Jou, 1991 "Thickness Effect on Polyimide Film Orientation" Proc. of the 17th Seminar on Sci. and Tech.-Polymer Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, p61 |
19 |
J.-H. Jou, L.Hsu, D.-J. Cheng, C.-C. Wu and T.Shyy, 1991 "Stress in Magnetro Sputtered Zinc Oxide Thin Films" The Proc. of 1991 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci., Tainan, Taiwan |
20 |
L.-J. Chen and J.-H. Jou, 1991 "Mechanical Properties Study of Polyimide Films by Double-Substrates Method" The Proc. of 1991 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci., Tainan, Taiwan |
21 |
J.-H. Jou and J.-S. Tsoung, 1992 "Effect of Thermal Curing on the Mechanical Properties of Rigid Polyimide Films" The Proc. of 1992 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
22 |
J.-H. Jou and Y.-L. Chang, 1992 "Bending Beam Measurement of Solvent Diffusion in Thin Films of Polyimides and Polyimide Blends" The Proc. of 1992 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
23 |
J.-H. Jou and C.-P. Weng, 1992 "Film Thickness and Curing Effects on Moisture Diffusion in Polyimide Coated on Silicon" The Proc. of 1992 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
24 |
J.-H. Jou and C. Chen, 1992 "Effect of Aluminum Deposition on Moisture Diffusion in Polyimide" The Proc. of 1992 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
25 |
J.-H. Jou, C.-H. Wang, C.-H. Yang and Y.-C. Cheng, 1992 "Bending Beam Measurement of Thin Film Stress" Proceedings of The 4th ROK-ROC Metrology Symposium, Korea, p447-452 |
26 |
J.-H. Jou and C.-S. Chung, 1993 "Film Orientation Effect on the Mechanical Characteristics of Aluminum Thin Films" Presented in the Proc. of 1993 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
27 |
C.-N. Liao, J.-H. Jou, M.-Y. Han and C.-K. Sun, 1993 "Study of Anticorrosion Coating Inspection Expert System" The Proc. of 1993 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
28 |
J.-H. Jou, C.-P. Weng, Y.-L. Chang, and C.-N. Liao, 1993 "Bending Beam Measurement of Solvent Diffusion in Vapor Deposition Polymerization Polyimide Films" The Proc. of 1993 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
29 |
周卓煇 鍾景生, 1994 "鋁/聚亞醯胺雙層薄膜在基材上應力鬆弛 研究" The Proc. of 1994 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci., p108 |
30 |
周卓煇 周士惟, 1994 "鎢薄膜機械性質及應力量測" The Proc. of 1994 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci., p230 |
31 |
周卓煇 翁季萍, 1994 "溶劑在聚亞醯胺薄膜中之擴散行為探討" Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p399 |
32 |
J.-H. Jou and Y.-L. Chang, 1994 "Temperature Effect on Solvent Diffusion in Polyimide Films" Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p459 |
33 |
周卓煇 程謙禮, 1994 "硬化溫度對蒸鍍聚合聚醯胺酸薄膜之亞醯 胺化影響" Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p1153 |
34 |
J.-H. Jou and W.-S. Wu, 1994 Preparation and Microstructure of Dye-doped Polymer Thin Films by Vapor Deposition Polymerization Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p1157 |
35 |
周卓煇 鍾景生 李庭芝, 1994 "鋁薄膜在聚亞醯胺薄膜上之應力 鬆弛研究" Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p1161 |
36 |
周卓煇 韓名揚, 1994 "製程對蒸鍍聚合硬桿型聚亞醯胺薄膜應力 行為之探討" Proc. of the 17th ROC Polymer Symposium, p1165 |
37 |
J.-H. Jou, 1994 (invited presentation) "Effect of Molecular Structure and Processing on Solvent and Moisture Diffusion in Polyimide Films" The 1994 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
38 |
W. Chang, T. C, S. Tu, B. Li, H. Wu and J.-H Jou, 1995 "In-situ Grown High Coercivity Gamma-(Co,MnFe2)O3 Thin Films \ for Magnetic Recording" The IEEE Internat'l Magnetics Conf., San Antonio, TX, USA |
39 |
韓名揚 周卓煇, 1995 "真空蒸鍍聚合聚亞醯胺薄膜機械性質測 定" Proc. of the 18th ROC Polymer Symposium |
40 |
許偉華 周卓煇, 1995 "彎柄技術量測聚苯乙烯玻璃轉變溫度及熱 應力" Proc. of the 18th ROC Polymer Symposium |
41 |
程謙禮 周卓煇, 1995 "薄膜型多晶粒構裝模組用蒸鍍聚合聚亞 醯胺超薄膜特性探討" Proc. of the 18th ROC Polymer Symposium |
42 |
林震標 周卓煇, 1995 "熱履歷對聚亞醯胺薄膜機械性質與結構之 影響" Proc. of the 18th ROC Polymer Symposium |
43 |
Y.-L. Chang, J.-H. Jou, C.-Y. Jou, and C.-M. Yang, 1995 Thermal History Effect on Solvent Diffusion Behaviors in Polyimide Films Proc. of the 18th ROC Polymer Symposium |
44 |
趙育伶 沈慧鈴 羅友彤 周卓煇, 1996 Permeability Study of Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, and Polyvinyl Dichloride Films Proc. of the 19th ROC Polymer Symposium |
45 |
李育慶 吳華書 鄭富文 周卓煇, 1996 "蒸鍍聚合高分子薄膜之結 構鑑定與安定性之探討" Proc. of the 19th ROC Polymer Symposium |
46 |
W.-K. Wen and J.-H. Jou, 1996 Fabrication of Single Layer Organic Electroluminescent Devices The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium |
47 |
H.-S Wu, J.-H. Jou, and J.-Y. Huang, 1996 Characterization of Real-time Poling Prepared Nonlinear Thin Films The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium |
48 |
C.-L. Cheng and J.-H. Jou Ultra-thin Polyimide Films by Vapor Deposition Polymerization,1996 The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium |
49 |
江良祐 周卓煇 程謙禮 翁文國, 1997 “真空蒸鍍聚合半撓取型聚 亞醯胺超薄膜” The 1997 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci |
50 |
程謙禮 周卓煇, 1997 “真空蒸鍍聚合聚亞醯胺超薄膜機械性質” The 1997 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
51 |
程謙禮 周卓煇, 1997 “真空蒸鍍聚合無針孔聚亞醯胺超薄膜” The 1997 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
52 |
黃立民 周卓煇 吳華書, 1998 “蒸鍍聚合法製備非線性光學聚亞 醯胺薄膜之熱安定性的探討” Proc. of the ROC Polymer Symposium. |
53 |
江良祐 周卓煇 程謙禮 翁文國, 1998 “真空蒸鍍聚合撓曲型聚亞 醯胺超薄膜” Proc. of the ROC Polymer Symposium. |
54 |
陸建宇 周卓煇 黃立民, 1998 “蒸鍍聚合法製備非線性光學聚亞 醯胺薄膜之研究” Proc. of 1998 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
55 |
翁文國 周卓煇, 1998 “真空蒸鍍聚合製備單層有機電激發光元 件”Proc. of 1998 Annu. Conf. of Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci. |
56 |
W.-K. Wen and J.-H. Jou, 1998 “Organic Electroluminescent Devices of Single-Layer Molecularly-Doped Polymer Thin Films” The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium |
57 |
W.-K. Wen and J.-H. Jou, 1998 “Effect of Polymer Matrix in Hole Transport Layer on the Performance of a Double-Layer Organic Electroluminescent Device ” The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium |
58 |
S.-M. Chang, J.-H. Jou, H.-S. Wu, H.-Y. Lin, and C.-Y. Wu, 1999 “Stress Analysis of Micro-Bump Bonding Structure for Chip-on- Glass Packaging” Proceedings of The 5th Asian Symp. on Information Display, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan |
59 |
S.-M. Chang, J.-H. Jou, H.-S. Wu, H.-Y. Lin, and C.-Y. Wu, 1999. “Stress Analysis of Micro-Bump Bonding Structure for Chip-on- Glass Packaging” Proceeding of the 5th Asian Symposium on Information Display, p.79-83 |
60 |
C.-H. Lai, C.-L. Huang, C.-Y. Hsu, I.-N. Lin, and J.-H. Jou, 2000 “Optical and Thermal Properties of SiNx for MO Disks” Conference paper |
61 |
S.-M. Chang, J.-H. Jou, A. Hsieh, T.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Chang, Y.-H. Wang, H.-Y. Lin, and C.-M. Huang, 2000 “Characteristic Study of Chip-on-Film Interconnection” International Optoelectronics Symposium Photonics Taiwan, SPIE, p.228-239 |
62 |
Y.-S. Huang, J.-H. Jou, W.-K. Weng, and J.-M. Liu, 2001 “High- Efficiency and Full Emission Spectrum White Organic Light- Emitting Devices” 3rd International Conference on Electroluminescence of Molecular Materials and Related Phenomena, Sep 5-8, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. |
63 |
H.-H. Chang, M.-C. Sun, Y.-S. Chiu, H.-T. Lin, and J.-H. Jou, 2002 “Deep Nano Films of Polyimide by Vapor Deposition Polymerization” Polymer Processing Society. |
64 |
Y.-S. Chiu, M.-C. Sun, S.-H. Huang, and J.-H. Jou, 2002 “Doping Effect of 6FDA-BAO on the Performance of Organic Light - Emitting Device” Polymer Processing Society. |
65 |
M.-C. Sun, Y.-S. Chiu, S.-Y. Yang, and J.-H. Jou, 2002 “Doping Effect of 6FDA-ODA on Organic Electroluminescent Device” Polymer Processing Society. |
66 |
邱永昇,孫銘成,周卓煇, 2003 “6FDA-BAO參雜對有機電致發光 元件效能之影響” 2003高分子聯合會議暨國科會高分子學門成 果發展會 成功大學化學系 |
67 |
邱永昇 周卓煇 鄭建宏 趙清煙, 2004 “High-Efficiency White Organic Light-Emitting Devices Employing the Phosphorescent Iridium Complexes”28屆高分子研討會 2004 |
68 |
王人仰 邱永昇 林偉哲 周卓煇 2004 “High-Efficiency Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Devices with Single Emission Layer” 28屆高分子研討會 2004 |
69 |
李建宏, 周宏興, 孫銘成, 周卓煇 “硒化鋅量子點強化高分子橘紅 光有機電致發光元件” 28屆高分子研討會 2004 |
70 |
J. H. Jou, Y. S. Chiu, R. Y. Wang, C. P. Wang, Y. C. Huang, C. S. Lin, C. H. Cheng, C. I. Chao. “White Organic Light Emitting Diodes with Phosphorescent Iridium Complexes Co-doped in One Single Emission Layer” 2005 International Display Manufacturing Conference and Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan. |
71 |
J. H. Jou, T. M. Chen, W. B. Wang, M. C. Sun, C. S. Jou, C. P. Wang and Z. C. Wong “Nano-dots Enhanced Organic Light- emitting Diodes” 29屆高分子聯合會議 2005 |
72 |
M. H. Wu, C. P. Wang, J. H. Jou “Electron Injection Materials Effect on Organic Electroluminescent Devices” 29屆高分子聯合 會議 2005 |
73 |
H. W. Lin, C. P. Wang, M. F. Hsu, H. C. Pan, J. H. Jou “Flexible Organic Light-emitting Diodes with Transparent Conducting Indium Tin Oxide” 29屆高分子聯合會議 2005 |
74 |
J. H. Jou, T. M. Chen, W. B. Wang, M. C. Sun, C. S. Jou, C. P. Wang and Z. C. Wong “Nano-dot enhanced white organic light- emitting diodes with a molecular host-employed and solution- processed emissive layer” 3rd Taiwan-US Air Force Nano- science Initiative Workshop, 2006, Hualien Taiwan |
75 |
J. H. Jou, C. P. Wang, M. H. Wu, P. H. Chiang, H. C. Lee, and R. S. Liu “Efficient Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Efficient Host of Di(4-fluorphenyl) amino-di(styrl) biphenyl” 2006 Vehicles and Photons Symposium, SID, Dearborn,Michigan, USA |
76 |
J. H. Jou, M. H. Wu, C. P. Wang, H. W. Lin, P. H. Chiang, Y. P. Lin and C. L. Lai “Host-Free High-Efficiency Blue Organic Light- Emitting Diodes Based on 2-(N,N-diphenylamino)-6-[4-(N,N- diphenylamino)styryl]naphthalene” 2006 Vehicles and Photons Symposium, SID, Dearborn, Michigan, USA |
77 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, C. P. Wang, M. F. Hsu, Z. C. Wong, T. M. Chen and Hwang Hwang “Nano-dot Enhanced White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with a Molecular Host-employeed and Solution-processed Emissive Layer” 2006 Vehicles and Photons Symposium, SID, Dearborn, Michigan, USA |
78 |
林雨樸, 周卓煇 “綠光摻雜物導入對藍光OLED發光效率之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
79 |
江伯軒, 張勤業, 周卓煇 “電洞傳輸層對白色有機發光元件之影 響” 2006材料年會 |
80 |
陳正忠, 翁照欽, 徐茂峰, Saulius. Grigalevieius, 周卓煇 “熱處理 對高分子白光有機電致發光元件之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
81 |
張勤業, 江伯軒 周卓煇 “電洞傳輸層厚度對白光有機電致發光元 件之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
82 |
鐘于喬, 周卓煇 “複合電子傳輸層對螢光藍綠光有機電致發光二 極體之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
83 |
王俊然, 潘漢昌, 周卓煇 “二氧化矽介電層導入對有機電致發光元 件之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
84 |
沈仕旻, 周卓煇 “熱處理對有機電致發光元件之影響” 2006 材料 年會 |
85 |
翁照欽, 徐茂峰, 周卓煇 “2-(4-biphenylyl)-5-(4-tertbutylphenyl) 1,3,4-oxadiazole摻雜對溶液製作有機電致發光元件之影響” 2006 材料年會 |
86 |
吳敬萱, 陳正忠, 周卓煇 “電洞傳輸層摻混改質polysilicic acid奈 米點對純白光有機電致發光元件之影響” 2007 高分子聯合會議 |
87 |
翁照欽, 陳正忠, 徐茂峰, 金志龍, 周卓煇 “高效率磷光綠光染料Ir (dibenzo[f,h]quinoline)2(pentane-2,4-dionate) 製備高效率白光有 機電致發光二極體” 2007高分子聯合會議 |
88 |
周卓煇 (invited) “Fabrication of Efficient and Color-Stable Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes on Glass and Plastics” 2007高分子聯合會議 |
89 | J. H. Jou, Z. C. Wong, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, and C. L. Chin, and W. C. Chen “High-Efficiency Phosphorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Novel Iridium(III) (dibenzo [f,h]quinoline)2(pentane-2,4-ionate)” 2007 Organic Electronics Conference and Exhibition, (OEC-07), Frankfurt, Germany. |
90 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, and J. J.
Shyue “Small Polymeric Nano-Dot Enhanced Pure-White Organic Light Emitting Diode” 2007 Organic Electronics Conference and Exhibition, (OEC-07), Frankfurt, Germany. |
91 |
陳正忠, 鐘于喬, 沈仕旻, 王俊然, 張勤業, 楊智傑, 徐茂峰, 謝 敏, 周卓煇 “高效率螢光白光有機發光二極體” 2007 材 料年會 |
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鐘于喬, 陳正忠, 沈仕旻, 王俊然, 徐茂峰, 周卓煇 “含雙電 洞傳輸層之新穎螢光白色有機發光二極體” 2007 材料年會 |
93 |
王俊然, 鐘于喬, 徐茂峰, 王唯本, 陳正忠, 劉楫平, 江仲哲, 陳錦地, 周卓煇 “Efficient Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light- Emitting Diodes Using Novel Double-Emissive Layers and Mix- Host Structure”2007 材料年會 |
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江伯軒, 林雨樸, 張勤業, 賴俊良, 周卓煇“新穎免電洞傳輸 層之高效率藍色有機發光元件”2007 材料年會 |
95 |
楊智傑, 沈仕旻, 陳正忠, 江伯軒, 周卓煇“橘黃光染料 Rubrene摻雜濃度對螢光白色有機發光二極體之影響”2007 材 料年會 |
96 |
劉楫平, 江仲哲, 王唯本, 徐茂峰, 林雨樸, 周卓煇“陽極表 面改質對藍光有機電激發光元件之影響”2007 材料年會 |
97 |
江仲哲, 劉楫平, 張勤業, 王唯本, 徐茂峰, 王俊然, 周卓煇 “摻混濃度對藍色磷光有機發光元件之影響”2007 材料年會 |
98 |
J. H. Jou, C. C. Chen, W. B. Wang, M. H. Wu, S. M. Shen, Y. C. Chung, and M. F. Hsu “Nano-Dot Enhanced High Efficiency Pure-White Organic Light- Emitting Diodes” 2007 14th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’07), SID, Sapporo, Japan |
99 |
周卓煇 (invited)“Some Approaches to Fabricating High-Efficiency OLEDs” 2008高分子聯合會議 |
100 |
王唯本, 劉楫平, 徐茂峰, 王俊然, 陳正忠, 周卓煇, 江仲哲, 陳錦地“主體材料對磷光藍光有機電致發光二極體之影 響”2008高分子聯合會議 |
101 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, C. P. Liu, C. C. Chen, C. J. Wang, Y. C. Tsai, J. J. Shyue, S. C. Hu, C. C. Chiang, and H. Wang “Small Nano-dot Incorporated High-efficiency Phosphorescent Blue Organic Light-emitting Diode” 2008 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS, Hangzhou, CHINA |
102 |
J. H. Jou, S. M. Shen, C. C. Chen, Y. C. Chung, C. J. Wang, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, M. H. Wu, C. J. Yang, and C. P. Liu “High- Efficiency Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Double Hole-transporting-Layers” 2008 The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Paris, FRENCH |
103 |
J. H. Jou, Y. P. Lin, M. H. Wu, and M. F. Hsu “High-Efficiency Deep-Blue OLED with a Novel Blue Dye in Low-Polarity Host” 2008 SID International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition, SID, LA, Ca. USA |
104 |
J. H. Jou, Y. C. Chung, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, W. C. Chang, C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, C. J. Wang, M. H. Wu, and C. L. Chin “High- Efficiency Solution-Processed Phosphorescent Green OLED Using a High-Quantum-Yield Iridium Complex” 2008 SID International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition, SID, LA, Ca. USA |
105 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, C. J. Wang, C. C. Chen C. T. Chen, M. F. Wu, H.Y. Chen, C. L. Chin “A New Door for Molecular-Based Organic Light-Emitting Diodes” 2008 International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices, Tainan, R. O. C. (invited) |
106 |
賴一銘,王唯本,丘全煥,陳正忠,黃琮融,林丞威,Saulius Grigalevicius, 周卓煇“使用新穎高分子主體之高效率藍色有 機發光元件”2008材料年會 |
107 |
丘全煥, 王唯本, 賴ㄧ銘, 胡凡, 黃正宇, 段啟聖, 周卓煇 “近標準紅色有機發光二極體之研究”2008材料年會 |
108 |
吳柏賢, 王唯本, 吳明軒, 鐘于喬, 陳錦地, 吳旻霏, 呂啟標, 黃正宇, 胡凡, 周卓煇“可濕式製作新穎高效率藍色有機發光 二極體”2008材料年會 |
109 |
陳思豪, 林純仁, 陳正忠, 鐘于喬, 周卓煇“短激發態銥錯合 物製備高效率綠色有機發光二極體”2008材料年會 |
110 |
王璽清,謝岳霖,沈仕旻,陳正忠,周卓煇“深藍有機發光二 極體”2008材料年會 |
111 |
曾俊儒, 王唯本, 翁照欽, 徐茂峰, 張元柏, 黃琮融, 周卓煇 “使用共主體結構之高效率白光有機發光二極體“2008材料年 會 |
112 |
王景弘,張元柏,沈仕旻,陳正忠,吳明軒,周卓煇,陳錦地,呂萍 “高效率深藍色有機發光二極體” 2008材料年會 |
113 |
J. H. Jou, Y. M. Lai, W. B. Wang, C. H. Chiu, S. Grigalevicius, C. C. Chen, B. S. Wu, and T. R. Huang “A Novel Polymer Host for High-Efficiency Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diode” 15th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’08), SID, Niigata, Japan |
114 |
J. H. Jou, C. H. Chiu, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, Y. M. Lai, and C. S. Tuan “A Highly Efficient Red Organic Electrophosphorescent Device with Solution-Processed Emissive Layer” 15th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’08), SID, Niigata, Japan |
115 |
J. H. Jou, W. B. Wang, M. F. Hsu, C. T. Chen, S. Z. Chen, C. J. Wang, M. F. Wu, S. W. Liu, C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, Y. C. Tsai, S. M. Shen, and M. H. Wu “A novel host material for high-efficiency blue organic electrophosphorescent device” 15th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’08), SID, Niigata, Japan |
116 |
周詣傑, 王唯本, 吳明軒, 鐘于喬, 陳錦地, 吳旻霏, 呂啟標, 黃正宇, 胡凡, 周卓煇 “可濕式製作新穎高效率藍色有機發光二極體” 2009高分子聯合會議 |
117 |
林純仁, 陳思豪, 陳正忠, 鐘于喬, 周卓煇 “短激發態銥錯合物製備高效率綠色有機發光二極體” 2009高分子聯合會議 |
118 |
曾國晏, 王唯本, 翁照欽, 徐茂峰, 張元柏, 黃琮融, 周卓煇 “使用共主體結構之高效率白光有機發光二極體” 2009高分子聯合會議 |
119 |
J. H. Jou, M. F. Hsu, W. B. Wang, C. T. Chen, Y. C. Chung, S. M. Shen,C. C. Chen, C. P. Liu, C. J. Wang, M. H. Wu “ Solution-Processible Trifluoromethyl-Iridium-Complex for High Efficiency Green Phosphorescent Device” IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display 2009 |
120 |
J. H. Jou, S. M. Shen, C. C. Chen, M. H. Wu “ High-Efficiency Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Double Hole-Transporting-Layers” IDMC/3DSA/Asia Display 2009 |
121 |
J. H. Jou, K.Y. Tseng, C. H. Chiu, W. B.
Wang Y. M. Lai
“High-Efficiency Phosphorescent Orange OLED with Double Emission Layers” 16th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’09), SID, Miyazaki, Japan |
122 |
J. H. Jou, S. H. Peng, C. Y. Chang, S. Z.
Chen, P. H. Chiang, B.
S. Wu “Organic light-emitting diodes with contact-printed emissive layer” 16th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’09), SID, Miyazaki, Japan |
123 |
H. C. Wang, J. H. Jou, M. H. Wu, S. M. Shen,
S. Z. Chen, S. H.
Chen, C. R. Lin, Y. L. Hsieh “Sunlight-Style Color-Temperature Tunable OLEDs” 16th International Display Workshops, (IDW ’09), SID, Miyazaki, Japan |
124 |
“以新穎發光層製備高效率有機發光二極體” 2009材料年會 |
125 |
“電子傳輸層厚度對有機發光元件之影響” 2009材料年會 |
126 |
J. H. Jou, and Y. C. Chou
“High-Efficiency, High Color Rendering White OLEDs with Five Emitters” 2010 SID International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition, SID, Seattle, WA. USA |
127 |
J. H. Jou, P. Y. Hwang, W. B. Wang, and C.
W. Lin
“High-Efficiency Low Color Temperature White OLEDs with Solution- Processed Emissive Layer” 2010 SID International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition, SID, SEA, WA. USA |
128 |
J. H. Jou, S. H. Chen
“High-Efficiency Low Color-Temperature Organic Light-Emitting Diode with a Novel Carrier Modulation Structure” The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (2010) |
129 |
J. H. Jou, C. J. Lin, S. M. Shen, Y. S.
Wang, Y. C. Chou, and S.
H. Chen “Sunlight Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Double WhiteEmissive Layers” The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (2010) |
130 |
J. H. Jou, P. H. Wu, and C. H. Lin
“Highly Efficient Orange Organic Light-Emitting Diode with Double Emissive Layers” The 3rd International Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Electronic Materials and Related Nanotechnologies (2010) |
131 |
R. Griniene, J. V. Grazulevicius, S.
Grigalevicius, W. B. Wang, Y.
M. Lai, J. H. Jou “Indole And Phenylenediamine Based Enamines As Hole Transporting Materials For OLEDs” Baltic Polymer Symposium (2010) |
132 |
S. Lengvinaite, R. Zostautiene, D. Mezetyte,
S. Grigalevicius, J.
V. Grazulevicius, W. B. Wang, Y. M. Lai, J. H. Jou “Carbazole And Phenylindole-based Polymers As Host Materials For Phosphorescent Light Emitting Diodes” Baltic Polymer Symposium (2010) |
133 |
“以雙白光發光層製作超高演色性有機發光二極體” 2010材料年會 |
134 |
“以新穎發光層結構製作高效率橘紅有機發光二極體” 2010材料年會 |
135 |
“利用新穎雙發光層結構製作高效率橘色有機發光二極體” 2010材料年會 |
136 |
“接觸印刷製備分子型有機發光二極體” 2010材料年會 |
137 |
“超高演色性有機發光二極體之研製” 2010高分子年會 |
138 |
“電子傳輸改質製備高效率藍光有機發光二極體” 2011高分子年會 |
139 |
“高效率超高演色性白光有機發光二極體” 2011高分子年會 |
140 |
“以新穎小分子為主體製作高效率橘紅光有機發光二極體” 2011高分子年會 |
141 |
Y. C. Jou, S. Kumar, W. B. Wang, S.
Grigalevicius, T. Y. Ting, J.
H. Jou “High-Efficiency Low Color Temperature Organic Light Emitted Diode with Solution-Processed Emissive Layer” 2011高分子年會 |
142 |
“利用奈米載子調制層研製高亮度高效率深藍光有機發光二極體” 2011高分子年會 |
143 |
S. Kumar, Y. C. Jou, W. B. Wang, J. H. Jou,
and S. Grigalevicius
“Oligomeric Host-Based High-Efficiency Blue Organic Light Emitting Diodes” 2011高分子年會 |
144 |
S. Kumar, W. B. Wang, J. H. Jou, J. J.
S. Z. Chen
“Functionalized Polymeric Nano Dots Enhanced High Efficiency Organic Light Emitting Diode” UK-TW COOPM2011 |
145 |
Y. C. Hsieh, P. H. Wu, C. H. Lin,
J. H. Jou
“Highly efficient orange-red organic LED using double emissive layer” 2011材料年會 |
146 |
B. R. Chen, P. Y. Hwang, M. C. Tang, P. C.
Chen, S. M. Shen,
and J. H. Jou “Physiologically-Friendly Low Color Temperature Organic LEDs with High Efficacy” 2011材料年會 |
147 |
M. C. Tang, S. M.
Shen, S. H. Chen, P. C. Chen,
B. R. Chen,
J. H. Jou “Highly Efficient Orange-Red Phosphorescent Organic LED Using a Novel Molecular Host” 2011材料年會 |
148 |
P. C. Chen, Y. S. Wang, M. C. Tang, B. R.
Chen, S. M. Shen,
and J. H. Jou “High Efficiency Fluorescent Yellow Organic LED with a Beyond Theoretical Limit External Quantum Efficiency” 2011材料年會 |
149 |
謝濬宇、賴一銘、王唯本、周卓煇、Saulius Grigalevicius “以高三重態能隙及高電子移動速率之主體材料製備高效率藍光 有機發光二極體” 2011 高分子年會 |
150 |
林敬喬、陳思豪、沈仕旻、王慶鈞、陳建志、王唯本、周卓煇 “低色溫有機發光二極體之研究製作”
151 |
陳正樺、王怡珊、林群皓、沈仕旻、王唯本、陳建添、周卓煇 “超高效率黃光有機發光二極體”
- 專書及專書論文
1 |
"Bending Beam Technique for the Measurement of Solvent Diffusion in Polymer Containing Layered Structures" Handbook of Advanced Materials Testing, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1995 |
2 |
周卓煇 等 "真空系統洩漏診斷專家系統"Vacuum System Leakage Diagnosis Expert System, 1995 |
3 |
周卓煇 “彎柄儀簡介” 國科會精密儀器中心出版 儀器總覽,1998 |
4 |
周卓煇 “蒸鍍聚合聚亞醯胺超薄膜-薄膜研製與特性探討” Engineering Science & Technology Bulletin, NSC, 32, p 80-83, Aug.1998 |
5 |
周卓煇等 IC 故障診斷專家系統-電性篇,1999 |
6 |
周卓煇等 "單層有機電激發光元件之製程" Engineering Science & Technology Bulletin, NSC, Aug. p1-4., 2000 |
7 |
周卓煇 “高效率有機發光元件” Engineering Science & Technology Bulletin, NSC, 72, p116-119, Feb. 2004 |
8 |
周卓煇 “有機發光二極體研發現況(一)” OPTOLINK, 80, p 38-44, Mar. 2009 |
9 |
周卓煇 “有機發光二極體研發現況(二)” OPTOLINK, 81, p 58-62, May 2009 |
10 |
“照明顯示兩相宜-OLED越來越火紅” 化工資訊與商情, 80, p 4-11, Feb 2010 |
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“矽谷之後-『有機電子谷』將是台灣經濟希望之所在” 化工資訊與商情, 80, p 19, Feb 2010 |
12 |
“工程倫理—以工程、醫學、商業等個案解讀” 高立圖書有限公司, 2011 |
13 |
“OLED—人類史上第一個生理心理與環境友善的光源” 科儀新知雙月刊,184, p 65, Oct 2011 |
14 |
Jwo-Huei Jou, Sudhir Kumar, Shiang-Hau Peng,
Shen, Yung-Cheng Jou “Disruptive characteristics and lifetime issues of organic light emitting diodes—Chapter 19” |
- 技術報告及其他
1 |
周卓煇 “ 深奈米級超薄介電膜研製”尖端記錄與顯示元件薄膜技術課程, 新竹市,1999 |
2 |
周卓煇 " 真空蒸鍍有機深奈米級超薄介電膜研製”尖端記錄與顯示元件薄膜技術課程, 新竹市,1999 |
3 |
周卓煇 "深奈米級超薄介電膜研製” 尖端顯示與通訊元件薄膜技術課程, 新竹市,2000 |
4 |
周卓煇 “ 真空蒸鍍有機深奈米級超薄介電膜研製”尖端顯示與通訊元件薄膜技術課程, 新竹市,2000 |
5 |
周卓煇 "國立清華大學工學院產學研發成果發表會-有機光電材 料與元件製程" 國立清華大學,2001 |
6 |
周卓煇 “ 高效率有機發光元件”2003高分子聯合會議暨國科會高分子學門成果發表會 成功大學 化工系,2003 |
7 |
周卓煇 “ 高效率有機發光元件”南台科技大學,2003 |
8 |
周卓煇 “ 高效率有機發光元件-OLED研討會暨91年度技專院校發展學校重點特色專案輔助計畫「光電科技研究中心實施計畫」成果觀 摩會” 南榮技術學院,2003 |
9 |
周卓煇 “ 高效率白光有機電激發光二極體開發”93年度工研院與大學院校合社研發中心聯合成果發表會,工研院 光電所,2004 |
10 |
周卓煇 “Fabrication of Efficient and Color-Stable Fluorescent White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes on Glass and Plastics” 2007 高分子聯合會議,國立台灣大學 |
11 |
周卓煇 “Some Approaches to Fabricating High-Efficiency OLEDs”
高分子聯合會議,國立交通大學,2008 |